214 R.I. Code R. 214-RICR-40-00-5.5

Current through December 26, 2024
A. Intake Procedures and Practices
1. At the time of referral or application for service, the agency shall assess the needs and strengths of the child's family.
2. Prior to accepting a child into its program, the agency shall document that alternatives to placement have been explored or used with the family.
3. Where social services have been provided to the child and his/her family, a description of their nature, scope, frequency, time frame and recommendations shall be indicated.
4. The agency shall make every effort to prevent the removal of the child from the home and to maintain the integrity of the family through the provision of counseling and education when the emotional, physical or psychological health of the child is not at risk.
5. When the need for placement is clearly documented and other alternatives have been utilized by the family or are counter indicated, the agency shall select the least restrictive setting for the child, commensurate with his/her needs, and also situated proximate to the child's home.
6. A written intake study shall be conducted by the agency at the time of referral or application, and completed within forty-five (45) days.
7. The intake study shall include:
a. the identification of the specific needs of the child and family which warrant consideration of removal and placement of the child;
b. the family's strengths;
c. the involvement of the child's parent(s) in his/her care;
d. the available resources;
e. the stated goals of the family;
f. available social and medical history of the child and all family members; and
g. the child's legal status.
8. The agency shall keep a record of all requests for services, placements, and the reasons for acceptance and denial of services.
9. The agency shall provide referral assistance to persons requesting services not provided by the agency.
B. Interstate Placements
1. The agency shall send written notice to the Administrator of the Interstate Compact on Placement of Children whenever an agency plans to place a child in another state or receives for placement a child from another state.
2. The agency shall provide documentation of compliance with the Interstate Compact on Placement of Children, with, at minimum, the signed approval of this state's Interstate Compact Officer.
C. Case Plan
1. The agency shall develop a written case plan upon completion of the intake study and prior to placement. In cases of emergency placements, the assessment and case plan shall be initiated within five (5) working days and completed within thirty (30) working days of placement. The plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. documentation of counseling services provided to the family and child;
b. the reasons for the selection of the type of care and how it meets the child's and family's needs;
c. projected duration of care;
d. pre-placement activities with child and family;
e. initial case goals for the child and family;
f. specific steps to accomplish goals;
g. specific time schedule for goals;
h. expected outcomes of goals;
i. designation of responsibility for carrying out steps with the child, parent(s), foster parent(s), adoptive parent(s), and the court (when involved), including frequency of contacts;
j. visiting plans between the child, parent(s), and siblings, if appropriate;
k. date of first review of progress on steps and goals; and
l. description of the conditions under which the child shall be returned home or when termination of parental rights should be initiated.
2. The agency shall include the parent(s) and the child (when appropriate to age and understanding) in the development of placement and case plans.
3. The agency, prior to accepting a child for placement, shall secure from the parent(s), guardian(s), or court, written authority to place the child.
4. The agency, prior to accepting a child for placement, shall secure from the parent(s), guardian(s), or court, written authority to provide medical care.
5. The agency shall help the parent(s) understand the legal rights and obligations that they retain and those delegated to the agency by the court. This information must be provided to the parent(s) in their own language if English is not readily understood.
D. Supervision and Review of the Case Plan
1. The agency shall complete a review of the case plan at least every six (6) months indicating progress toward goal achievement and changes made in the service plan.
2. The agency shall include in the review an assessment of the child in care, the progress of the growth and development of the child, the relationships between the child and caregivers, and the problems which may have occurred.
E. Selection of Placement
1. The agency shall select the most appropriate form of care for the child consistent with the child's and family's needs for in-home care, supervised apartment living, independent living arrangements, family foster care or adoption. In choosing the type of care, the agency shall provide for any specialized services the child may need.
2. The agency, when selecting care, shall take into consideration a child's racial, cultural, ethnic, and religious heritage and preserve them to the extent possible without jeopardizing the child's care.
3. The agency shall select care that has the capacity to assist in the achievement of the steps and goals of the child's case plan and shall involve the parent(s) to the maximum extent possible.
4. The agency shall refer and place children only in licensed child care programs, licensed foster homes, or approved adoptive homes.
F. Placement Services
1. Relationships with Child Care Programs
a. The agency shall have written policies and procedures specifying the manner of information exchange and coordination of services with any child care program into which it places children.
b. At a minimum, these policies and procedures shall include the orderly and regular transfer of information regarding the child and family, including the social history, reason for placement, anticipated length of placement, educational, medical and clinical reports, as well as service plans, updated service plans and discharge summaries with aftercare plans.
2. Relationships with Families and Children
a. The agency shall make its services accessible and available to parent(s).
b. The agency shall make every reasonable effort to help the parent(s) assume or prepare them to resume their parental roles and responsibilities.
c. The agency shall provide the family with or arrange for counseling services necessary to preserve and strengthen the family and to accomplish the case plan goals. While the child is in care, the agency shall assist parent(s) with the problems and needs that brought about the need for placement.
d. The agency shall make counseling available to expectant parent(s) considering placement before the child is born and immediately thereafter.
e. The agency shall encourage contacts between parent(s) and children after placement, in accordance with the case plan.
f. The agency shall have a signed agreement with the parent(s) of the child in care which includes, but is not limited to, the expectations and responsibilities of the agency and the parent(s) for carrying out the steps to meet the case plan goals, the financial arrangements for the child in care, and visiting plans.
3. Pre-placement Preparation
a. The agency shall formulate written policies and procedures regarding the nature and frequency of social services provided to a child awaiting placement and at the time of placement for an adoptive child, a foster child, or a child awaiting placement in other child care programs. These policies shall address the following:
(1) The social service worker for the child shall become acquainted with the child and family prior to placement, except when a child is placed on an emergency basis.
(2) The social service worker shall help the child understand the reasons for placement and prepare him/her for the new environment.
(3) The social service worker shall help the newly placed child with his/her feelings and reactions to the placement in order to assist his/her adjustment.
b. The agency shall arrange a general medical examination by a licensed medical practitioner for each child within fifteen (15) days of admission, unless the child has been examined within twelve (12) months before admission and the agency has the results of that examination.
c. The agency shall obtain and record a developmental history for each child.
d. The agency shall arrange for a child over the age of four (4) years to receive a dental examination by a dentist within sixty (60) days of admission, unless the child has been examined within twelve (12) months prior to admission and the agency has the results of that examination.
e. The agency shall obtain a written copy of each child's immunizations within thirty (30) days of admission to placement. If this is not available, the agency shall document any immunizations and record the process to be used to obtain the information.
4. Services During Care
a. The agency shall supervise care of the child and shall coordinate the planning and services for the child and family as stated in the case plan.
b. The social service worker shall see a child as often as necessary to carry out the case plan, but at least once per month during the term of care.
c. The social service worker shall meet with the parent(s) and children together on a regular basis to assess and work on the following:
(1) Progress in resolving problems which precipitated placement;
(2) Parent and child relationship difficulties;
(3) Adjustment to separation; and
(4) Achievement of case plan goals.
d. The agency shall refer the parent(s) to other agencies in the community providing appropriate services when they require services which the agency does not offer. The agency shall maintain communication with the agency providing service when cooperative effort has been arranged.
e. The agency shall assume primary responsibility in decisions regarding major medical and surgical interventions for foster children and shall note agency approval in the child's record.
f. The agency shall make provisions for specialized services and health care services as stated in the case plan.
5. Aftercare Services
a. The agency shall make continuing supportive services available for children and families for at least six (6) months following an adoption or a child's return to his/her family in order to strengthen and support new or renewed family functioning.
b. The agency shall offer supportive help and referral services to parent(s) who decide not to place their child after receiving agency services.
G. Grievances
1. An agency shall have written procedures for redressing concerns, disagreements, complaints and grievances of clientele to safeguard the legal rights of children served.
2. Agency practice shall conform to the written procedures.

214 R.I. Code R. 214-RICR-40-00-5.5