Current through December 26, 2024
Section 210-RICR-50-10-2.9 - AssessmentsA. Nursing Assessment - The Nursing Assessment is one (1) of the multiple assessments done for the participant. This assessment measures Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) which are conducted to determine participant needs and goals. A nursing assessment must be performed by a nurse licensed by RIDOH in accordance with 216-RICR-40-05-3, Licensing of Nurses and Standards for the Approval of Basic Nursing Education Programs.B. Functional Assessment - The functional assessment rates the participant's level of assistance required to complete each task, and the number of times the task is performed. If there is a condition or characteristic in addition to the disability, the participant may require more time to complete a particular task. These conditions and/or characteristics do not apply to all ADL/IADL tasks; they only apply if the condition has a direct impact on the performance of the task. In addition to medical information and self-reporting, the assessor may observe or request that the participant demonstrate their ability to complete a task. 1. Initial assessments occur upon entry to the Personal Choice program and reassessments occur annually thereafter. A participant or representative may request a reassessment sooner if their situation has changed and there is either an increased or decreased need for assistance. The Case Manager may also perform a reassessment sooner if there are life changes resulting in a possible increase or decrease in need for assistance.2. When a participant is identified through the Nursing Home Transition Program/Money Follows the Person Program, a temporary assessment shall be conducted. This shall be a temporary assessment because it is conducted while the participant is in an institutional Nursing Home setting and may not fully reflect the participant's functional abilities within a non-institutional home setting. The Conflict-Free Case Management Agency selected by the participant shall complete an updated assessment within ninety (90) days of the participant returning home. After the temporary assessment is completed, the Office of Community Programs staff shall review the assessment with the participant to: a. Verify that the participant wants to participate in the Personal Choice program; andb. Identify the participant's choice of Conflict-Free Case Management Agency responsible for the additional assessments and oversight of the participant's services.C. In addition to the nursing and functional assessments, staff will conduct an environmental assessment as part of the eligibility determination and plan of care.210 R.I. Code R. 210-RICR-50-10-2.9
Adopted effective 10/28/2019
Amended effective 12/15/2020
Amended effective 3/8/2023
Amended effective 2/12/2024