Current through December 26, 2024
Section 210-RICR-50-10-1.1 - Overview and PurposeA. Medicaid LTSS was only available to beneficiaries in institutional settings until 1983 when Congress amended Title XIX of the Social Security Act to add Section 1915(c) which established the authority for home and community-based service (HCBS) waivers. Rhode Island was among the first states to pursue this authority and, in that first year alone, received approval for four (4) Section 1915(c) waivers. By the time Rhode Island sought approval for its program-wide Medicaid Section 1115 waiver demonstration, the State was administering eleven, separate Section 1915(c) waivers, many of which had distinct eligibility requirements. The State consolidated these separate HCBS waivers in 2009 when the federal government approved Rhode Island's innovative Section 1115 demonstration waiver.B. Under the broad authority of the State's Section 1115 waiver, Rhode Island has established a core set of home and community-based services which are available to LTSS beneficiaries in multiple living arrangements. The scope of HCBS available to a beneficiary varies somewhat depending on the type of institutional eligibility a person is seeking (i.e., nursing facility (NF), intermediate care facility for persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities (ICF/I-DD), or long-term care hospital (LTH)), level of need as measured by the applicable evaluation instrument (e.g., high or highest need for the NF services or service intensity scale for ICF/I-DD), and the person-centered planning process. The purpose of this Part is to identify the full range of Medicaid HCBS options available to LTSS beneficiaries, depending on their level of need, as determined in Part 50-00-1 of this Title.210 R.I. Code R. 210-RICR-50-10-1.1