210 R.I. Code R. 210-RICR-50-05-1.6

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 210-RICR-50-05-1.6 - Medicaid in an ICF/I-DD
A. Intermediate care facility services for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities (ICF/I-DD) is an optional Medicaid benefit that provides comprehensive and individualized health care and rehabilitation services to optimize the functional status and independence of beneficiaries. In Rhode Island, ICF/I-DDs are licensed health care facilities that serve a limited number of beneficiaries in need of, and receiving, active treatment (AT) services.
B. The ICF/I-DD service is the most comprehensive benefit in Medicaid LTSS. In general, ICF/I-DD Medicaid covered services include, but are not limited to:
1. Active treatment - In an ICF/I-DD, AT is a continuous, aggressive, and consistent implementation of a program of specialized and generic training, treatment, and health or related services, directed toward helping a beneficiary function with as much self-determination and independence as possible. All services including health care services and nutrition are part of the AT, which is based on an evaluation and individualized program plan (IPP) by an interdisciplinary team. AT provides a continuous program of habilitation that excludes services to maintain generally independent beneficiaries who are able to function with little supervision.
2. Day programs -- ICF/I-DD residents work in the community, with supports, or participate in vocational or other activities outside of the residence and engage in community interests of their choice. These activities are collectively often referred to as "day programs" and are often included as AT, though they may be covered separately as an HCBS core service for a beneficiary transitioning from an ICF/I-DD to a community setting.
C. An applicant must meet the requirements for services set forth in R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 40.1-21 including a continuous need for LTSS and need active treatment for an intellectual or developmental disability that was manifested prior to age twenty-two (22). The applicant must also meet the functional/clinical eligibility criteria for the highest need for the level of care typically provided in an ICF/I-DD as indicated in Subchapter 00 Part 5 of this Chapter.
D. Under the State's Section 1115 demonstration, the Medicaid ICF/I-DD level of care is generally provided in the least restrictive setting that is appropriate to meet a beneficiary's needs. Accordingly, Medicaid covers AT both at home and in an array of community-based settings that offer beneficiaries greater independence than services in an ICF/I-DD health institution typically allow. Medicaid LTSS in an ICF/I-DD is thus reserved for only those beneficiaries who are unable to safely obtain the full range of services they need in an HCBS setting or a health institution that provides the same or a more extensive set of AT as well as the Medicaid covered services necessary to address other chronic health conditions.

210 R.I. Code R. 210-RICR-50-05-1.6