210 R.I. Code R. 210-RICR-50-00-4.7

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 210-RICR-50-00-4.7 - Application Cycle
A. Application Receipt and Filing date. The date a signed and completed application form is manually or electronically date-stamped as received by the agency is the application filing date. The application filing date is used to determine the eligibility date for LTSS coverage. The eligibility date is the first day of the month in which an application is filed. Retroactive coverage is available if a person would have qualified for LTSS Medicaid for up to three (3) months prior to the eligibility date. A signed, completed application form is submitted by any of the following means:
1. Electronically through the self-service portal;
2. A paper copy is date-stamped as received by State agency staff;
3. Electronically dated if uploaded, e-mailed, faxed, or scanned;
4. Delivered in-person and date-stamped by State agency staff.
B. Application Data Entry and Tracking. Once an application has been filed, the State agency is responsible for ensuring all required information is scanned or entered into the IES and updated and tracked until eligibility is determined.
C. Application Review Timeline. Under federal regulations, LTSS eligibility determinations are considered untimely if they are not made within the ninety (90) day timeframe beginning on the filing date provided all required sections of the application form(s) have been completed and signed, as appropriate, and submitted by that date, along with any documentation necessary to determine an applicant's identity.
1. In accordance with 42 C.F.R. § 435.912, the State may not be able to determine eligibility within this timeframe in unusual circumstances, such as when the agency cannot reach a decision because: the applicant or health care provider delays or fails to take a required action, or there is an administrative or other emergency beyond the agency's control.
2. An application is considered incomplete until all the information required to determine eligibility has been date-stamped as received by the State. Additionally, State-only interim payments may be available in instances in which the State has not made a determination of eligibility on a complete application, as defined in § 4.8 of this Part.
D. Application Open and Duty to Report Changes. An application must be open for the State to determine eligibility. An application remains open for 180 days from the date the application form is filed, including any reinstatement review period, as set forth in subpart § 4.9(B)(5) of this Part. Applications will be automatically withdrawn and closed at the end of the open period unless the State is responsible for delays in processing materials related to LTSS eligibility factors. Applicants must inform the agency of any changes in an eligibility factor, such as income, resources, health status, within ten (10) days of the date the change occurred during the 180-day period in which the application remains active. General information related to address, authorized representative, immigration status and the like must be updated/corrected as well as the following:
1. Functional/clinical eligibility factors -- In accordance with standing EOHHS rule pertaining to LTSS needs-based determinations, Part 5 of this Subchapter information related to health and functional status must be no more than (ninety) 90 days old in order to make a fair and accurate assessment of functional/clinical eligibility. Therefore, the must be provided with any information from a health care provider that may in anyway be related to an applicant's level of care needs within the ten-day reporting period.
2. Financial eligibility factors - Application information that is not verified by an electronic data source must be updated/corrected during the period in which an application is open within the required ten-days. This includes, but is not limited to, any information related to changes in income provided from outside the State, resources, home maintenance needs, and health care costs and expenses.

210 R.I. Code R. 210-RICR-50-00-4.7