200-20-20 R.I. Code R. § 1.8

Current through June 14, 2024
Section 200-RICR-20-20-1.8 - Types of Certificates
1.8.1Full Certificates
A. Full certification is awarded to applicants who have completed all Rhode Island preparation requirements for certification. RIDE issues the following three (3) types of full certificates: Initial Educator Certificate; Professional Educator Certificate; and Advanced Educator Certificate. The Initial Educator Certificate, Professional Educator Certificate, and Advanced Educator Certificate provide a three (3) tiered system of certification that recognizes different stages of development and accomplishment within the profession.
1. The Initial Educator Certificate is the first (1st) full certificate issued to an individual who meets all Rhode Island certification requirements.
2. The Professional Educator Certificate is the second (2nd) full certificate issued to an individual. An individual attains a Professional Educator Certificate after completing the required professional learning units while working under an Initial Educator Certificate.
3. The Advanced Educator certificate is issued to an individual by meeting one (1) of the aspirational benchmarks identified by RIDE and completing the required professional learning units while working under a Professional Educator Certificate.
B. All full certificates share a common expiration date. The Commissioner of Education shall recommend for approval by the Council a common expiration date. Educators with certification in more than one (1) area shall be assigned a common expiration year for all certificates. All full certificates can be renewed by meeting applicable requirements, but satisfaction of renewal requirements does not preclude an action to revoke a certificate pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-11-4.
1.8.2Initial Educator Certificate
A. The first (1st) level of full certification issued to an applicant who meets the following criteria is an Initial Educator Certificate.
1. Duration The Initial Educator Certificate is valid for three (3) years.
2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The applicant meets the degree requirements for the certification area with a degree from a regionally accredited approved institution;
b. The applicant is eligible for certification through the completion of a Rhode Island Approved Educator Preparation Program, reciprocity, or credential review;
c. The applicant meets all competency and assessment requirements; and
d. The applicant meets any additional certification area requirements as specified in §§ 1.9, 1.10, and 1.11 of this Part.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. The applicant must comply with the professional learning requirements outlined in this Part in order to renew their certificate.
b. Beginning with certificates expiring on August 31, 2020, the professional learning units under § 1.8.5 of this Part will be required for renewal and progression to a Professional Certificate. The number of professional learning units required will be phased in between 2020 and 2025. The renewal of certificates in 2020 and 2021 will be prorated. Beginning in 2025, the full ninety (90) professional learning units will be required.
c. Beginning in 2020, applicants will submit the professional learning units outlined in the chart below.

Year of Certificate Renewal

Formula to Prorate Units

Total Units to Be Completed for Renewal



Twenty (20)



Forty (40)



Seventy-Five (75)



Seventy-Five (75)



Seventy-Five (75)



Ninety (90)

d. If the applicant has accumulated the appropriate number of professional learning units during the term of the three (3) year Initial Educator Certificate, it may be renewed as a five (5) year Professional Educator Certificate.
(1) If the applicant was employed for one (1) or two (2) years, but not three (3) years the certificate will be renewed as a three (3) year Initial Educator Certificate.
(2) If the applicant was not employed in a publicly funded educational setting the certificate will be renewed as a three (3) year Initial Educator Certificate.
(3) If the applicant was employed in a publicly funded educational setting, but was on leave for one (1) or more years, a prorated number of units will be submitted with a letter confirming leave status. The prorated number of units will be equal to the number of units required during the phase-in period or thirty (30) units per year beginning in 2025.
4. Non-renewal

If an applicant for renewal did not obtain employer approval or did not complete the required units, the certificate will not be renewed. The applicant may be eligible for the Special Provisional Certificate pursuant to § 1.8.17 of this Part.

1.8.3Professional Educator Certificate
A. The second (2nd) level of full certification issued to an applicant who demonstrates successful practice and meets the following criteria is a Professional Educator Certificate.
1. Duration

The Professional Educator Certificate is valid for five (5) years.

2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The applicant holds an Initial Educator Certificate;
b. The applicant completed three (3) years as a Rhode Island educator working under the Initial Educator Certificate; and
c. The applicant completed the appropriate number of professional learning units.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. The applicant must comply with the professional learning requirements outlined in this Part in order to renew their certificate.
b. Beginning with certificates expiring on August 31, 2020, the professional learning units under § 1.8.5 of this Part will be required for renewal. The number of professional learning units required will be phased in between 2020 and 2030. Beginning in 2030, the full one hundred (100) professional learning units will be required for the renewal of all Professional Certificates
c. Individuals who hold an Initial Certificate that expires between 2020 and 2025 and are issued a Professional Certificate between 2020 and 2025 will submit the professional learning units outlined in the chart below.

Year of Certificate Renewal

Formula to Prorate Units

Total Units to Be Competed for Renewal



One Hundred (100)



One Hundred (100)



One Hundred (100)



One Hundred (100)



One Hundred (100)



One Hundred (100)

d. Individuals who already hold a Professional Certificate or Advanced Certificate as of December 31, 2019 will submit the professional learning units outlined in the chart below.

Year of Certificate Renewal

Formula to Prorate Units

Total Units to Be Completed for Renewal



Fifteen (15)



Thirty (30)



Forty-Five (45)



Sixty (60)



Seventy-Five (75)



Seventy-Five (75)


4x15; 1x20

Eighty (80)


3x15; 2x20

Eighty-Five (85)


2x15; 3x20

Ninety (90)


1x15; 4x20

Ninety-Five (95)



One Hundred (100)

e. If the applicant has completed the appropriate number of professional learning units during the terms of the five (5) year Professional Educator Certificate, it may be renewed as a five (5) year Professional Educator Certificate.
f. Professional learning units earned for one (1) certificate may be applied to the renewal of additional certificates. See § 1.8.5 of this Part for more information about allowable professional learning units.
(1) If the applicant was employed for less than the five (5) years of the certificate, the certificate will be renewed as a Professional Educator Certificate without the submission of professional learning units.
(2) If the applicant was not employed in a publicly funded educational setting during the five (5) years the certificate will be renewed as a five (5) year Professional Educator Certificate. Applicants who are not employed in publicly funded settings are not required to submit evidence of performance or professional learning units.
(3) If the applicant was employed in a publicly funded educational setting but was on leave for one (1) or more years, a prorated number of units will be submitted with a letter confirming leave status. The prorated number of units will be equal to the number of units required during the phase-in period.
4. Non-renewal

If an applicant for renewal did not obtain employer approval or did not complete the required units, the certificate will not be renewed. The applicant may be eligible for the Special Provisional Certificate pursuant to § 1.8.17 of this Part.

1.8.4Advanced Educator Certificate
A. The third (3rd) level of full certification issued to an applicant who demonstrates accomplished practice and meets the following criteria is an Advanced Educator Certificate.
1. Duration

The Advanced Educator Certificate is valid for seven (7) years.

2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The applicant holds a Professional Educator Certificate;
b. The applicant completed five (5) years as a Rhode Island educator working under the Professional Educator Certificate;
c. The applicant completed the appropriate number of approved professional learning units; and
d. The applicant achieves one (1) of the aspirational benchmarks listed below, during the term of the certificate being renewed.
(1) National Board Certification in certification area; or
(2) Conferral of an advanced degree from an accredited institution of higher learning during the term of the certificate being renewed in a subject directly related to the content knowledge required to teach or lead under the certificate being renewed; or
(3) Receives RIDE or national recognition as a Milken educator, State Teacher of the Year, or Presidential Award Winner for Math and Science during the certification cycle; or
(4) Receives Certificate of Completion of NISL Executive Development Program, or serves as a NISL Facilitator and/or NISL Content Facilitator
(5) Achieves additional RIDE certification in a limited number of shortage areas identified by RIDE.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. Beginning with certificates expiring on August 31, 2020, the professional learning units under § 1.8.5 of this Part will be required for renewal.
b The number of professional learning units required will be phased in between 2020 and 2030. In 2030, the full one hundred (100) professional learning units will be required.
c. Individuals who already hold a Professional Certificate or Advanced Certificate as of December 31, 2019 will submit the professional learning units outlined in the chart below.

Year of Certificate Renewal

Formula to Prorate Units

Total Units to Be Completed for Renewal



Fifteen (15)



Thirty (30)



Forty-Five (45)



Sixty (60)



Seventy-Five (75)



Seventy-Five (75)


4x15; 1x20

Eighty (80)


3x15; 2x20

Eighty-Five (85)


2x15; 3x20

Ninety (90)


1x15; 4x20

Ninety-Five (95)



One Hundred (100)

d. Beginning in 2030, the applicant is responsible for submitting the full, one hundred (100) units, required to renew the certificate as described in § 1.8.5.
(1) If the applicant was employed less than the five (5) years of the certificate, the certificate will be renewed as a Professional Educator Certificate without the submission of professional learning units.
(2) If the applicant was not employed in a publicly funded educational setting during the seven (7) years of the certificate, the certificate will be renewed as a five (5) year Professional Educator Certificate. Applicants who are not employed in publicly funded settings do not submit evidence of performance or professional learning units.
(3) If the applicant was employed in a publicly funded educational setting, but was on leave for one (1) or more years, a prorated number of hours will be submitted with a letter confirming leave status. The prorated number of units will be equal to the number of units required during the phase-in period.
(4) If the applicant has accumulated one hundred (100) professional learning units and has met the aspirational benchmarks and performance expectations during the term of the certificate outlined above, the certificate may be renewed as a seven (7) year Advanced Educator Certificate.
(5) If the applicant has accumulated one hundred (100) professional learning units and performance expectations but has not met aspirational benchmarks, the certificate may be renewed as a five (5) year professional.
4. Non-renewal based

If an applicant for renewal did not complete the required units, the certificate will not be renewed. The applicant may be eligible for the Special Provisional Certificate pursuant to § 1.8.17 of this Part.

1.8.5Professional Learning Units
A. Professional Learning Units (PLUs) are accrued for the purpose of demonstrating ongoing professional learning. The accumulation of these units is a requirement for renewing educator certificates. These units represent ongoing learning and are earned as a result of professional learning activities that are designed to increase educator effectiveness. Ongoing learning is an important and necessary responsibility of educators as they maintain the knowledge and skills needed to educate students.
B. Educators are responsible for the completion of all PLUs, as PLUs are a condition of the renewal of educator certificates. Local Education Agencies (LEAs) may, in accordance with LEA discretion and/or local agreements, make available some or all of these PLUs for its employed educators.
C. Each LEA that employs educators shall develop, in collaboration with the employed educators, an LEA professional learning plan that includes the provisions outlined below.
1. Identification of needs and interests of all educators based on analysis of student data, educator evaluation information, surveys, and needs assessments.
2. Alignment to educator needs, as well as district and school needs, through review of district strategic plans, school improvement plans, surveys, and other information.
3. Examples of allowable activities consistent with these Regulations.
4. Mechanisms for the approval of educator professional learning consistent with these Regulations and the local resolution of disputes.
5. Structures and plans to ensure opportunities for professional learning activities that take place within the school context over time and are ongoing including, but not limited to, data analysis meetings, student work review teams, curriculum implementation teams, improvement cycle activities, induction activities, mentoring activities, and structured professional learning communities, rather than only reliance on one-time activities.
6. Alignment and differentiation of professional learning to ensure opportunities that are relevant to teachers' certified areas, administrators, and support professionals.
D. All educator PLUs for employees of a LEA shall be approved by the superintendent of the LEA or his/her designee and, once the LEA professional learning plan is operative, be consistent with the LEA professional learning plan. In any instance where these Regulations and the LEA professional learning plan are in conflict, these Regulations shall take precedence. PLUs for superintendents shall be approved by the Chair of the School Committee. The Commissioner of Education shall have the authority to approve specific PLU offerings for all Rhode Island certified educators.
E. Activities for Professional Learning Units
1. Site-Based Professional Learning activities, such as: induction activities, mentoring activities, structured professional learning communities, data analysis meetings, local workshops, lesson study, student work review sessions, curriculum implementation teams, and other site-based activities designed to improve teaching and learning.
2. Structured coaching that involves trained coaches working with colleagues on focused objectives through observation and feedback cycles. Coaching may take the form of induction coaching for beginning teachers or peer coaching and instructional coaching.
3. Proficiency-based learning and micro-credentials activities that require the educator to demonstrate proficiency in a new skill by submitting evidence of mastery. Micro-credentials often require educators to submit evidence to third (3rd) party providers for review.
4. University coursework at accredited institutions of higher education.
5. National Board Certification is a recognized form of professional learning that may be used to accumulate units. Educators may receive units for completing individual components even if the certification is not achieved.
6. External conferences or workshops led by external organizations encompassing a wide range of learning opportunities. Short-term or standalone workshops can be counted for limited units.
7. Activities that may count toward the accumulation of professional learning units are those that develop subject matter/content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, curriculum implementation knowledge or enhance educator effectiveness. These activities may be facilitated in many ways including, but not limited to, third (3rd) parties not regularly employed by the LEA and other educators regularly employed by the LEA, such as a professional learning community focused on a professional problem of practice.
8. Activities that do not directly relate to improving educator practices, such as general logistics, school daily operations, safety trainings, and most committee work do not qualify for professional learning units. These are important activities for schools, but are not considered professional learning.
F. Assigning Unit Values to Activities - In order to recognize hours-based and competency-based professional learning experiences, RIDE will use professional learning units as its measure for documenting professional learning. Conversions will be needed to accommodate different learning activities.
1. One (1) hour of a professional learning activity is equal to one (1) professional learning unit. For tracking purposes, rounding to the nearest half-hour is appropriate.
2. One (1) college credit is equal to fifteen (15) professional learning units.
3. One (1) demonstrated competency in proficiency-based or competency-based learning is equal to five to ten (5 to 10) professional learning units, determined by the Superintendent based on the rigor of the competency expectations.
4. National Board Certification activities:
a. One (1) component is equal to forty-five (45) professional learning units.
b. Completion is equal to one hundred eighty (180) units.
c. Renewal is equal to ninety (90) units.
G. RIDE will continue to study research-based competency approaches to certification renewal and will make future recommendations that reduce the reliance on a number of units and emphasizes growth in professional practice.
H. RIDE will engage with teachers' unions and LEA leadership to provide model Professional Learning Plans and to review and evaluate the quality of professional learning experiences.
I. Record Keeping and Documentation
1. Educators must maintain records of all activities and make them available upon request by RIDE. All records must attest to participation by the educator in the activity and the professional learning units earned.
2. Employers verify locally that educators met renewal requirements. Documentation of verification shall be provided to the educator for certification renewal.
3. Educators must submit employer verification forms to RIDE as part of the renewal process.
J. Audits of Professional Learning Units
1. In order to ensure the efficacy of the professional learning unit system, RIDE will audit renewal applications each year.
2. Educators selected for audit must submit documentation for all activities submitted for certificate renewal.
3. Failure to submit required documentation will result in non-renewal of certificates.
1.8.6Preliminary Certificates
A. Preliminary certification is awarded to candidates who are not eligible for full certification, but who have met specific criteria that qualify them to serve as educators of record while completing all certification requirements. RIDE issues the following six (6) types of Preliminary Certificates: Alternate Route Preliminary Certificate; Career and Technical Education Preliminary Certificate: Emergency Preliminary Certificate; Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate; Expert Residency - Shortages Preliminary Certificate; Fast-track Principal Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate; Temporary Initial Educator Preliminary Certificate, and Visiting Lecturer Preliminary Certificate.
B. Most Preliminary Certificates will be issued for one (1) year and share a common expiration date that the Commissioner of Education shall recommend for approval by the Council. All Preliminary Certificates can be renewed by meeting applicable requirements, but satisfaction of renewal requirements does not preclude an action to revoke a certificate pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-11-4.
C. Generally, educators may not be assigned to positions out of their certification areas. To minimize the use of Emergency Preliminary Certifications, employing agencies should seek to fill positions through the use of the following Preliminary Certificates: Alternate Route Preliminary Certificates, Career and Technical Education Preliminary Certificates, Expert Residency Preliminary Certificates, Expert Residency - Shortages Preliminary Certificates, Fast-track Principal Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate, and Temporary Initial Educator Preliminary Certificates. These Preliminary Certifications provide a basis for identifying the most qualified personnel for these vacancies.
D. Employing agencies that hire educators working under a Preliminary Certificate shall evaluate and provide meaningful support to these educators.
E. A person who holds a Preliminary Certificate is not "fully certified." Employment under the authority of a Preliminary Certificate does not constitute teaching service for purposes of the teacher tenure probationary period.
1.8.7Alternate Route Preliminary Certificate
A. The Alternate Route Preliminary Certificate is issued to individuals who are enrolled in an approved Rhode Island Alternate Route Program, § 1.8.7 of this Part, and who have been offered employment by a Rhode Island school district.
1. Duration

The Alternate Route Preliminary Certificate is valid for one (1) year.

2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The applicant for a certificate in a teaching area holds a bachelor's degree and the applicant for an administrative area (except for School Business Administrator) or a support professional area holds an advanced degree from an accredited institution;
b. The applicant for a certificate in a teaching area has passed all subject matter testing requirements;
c. The applicant for a certificate in an administrative or support professional area has passed all knowledge of field assessment requirements;
d. The applicant is enrolled in a Rhode Island approved educator preparation program;
e. The applicant has successfully completed a pre-service field experience as part of preparation;
f. An employing agency has offered the applicant employment and the preparation program and the agency jointly request the certificate; and
g. The certificate is valid only for the employing agency of the assignment.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. The preparation program and the employing agency recommend renewal based on the educator's performance in the assignment and progress in the preparation program.
b. The Alternate Route Preliminary Certificate can be renewed one (1) time.
4. Certification Areas

All teacher, administrator, and support professional areas are included.

1.8.8Rhode Island Alternate Route Program Standards
A. Applicants can attain certification by completing a Rhode Island Approved Program for Educator Certification that is designed to prepare individuals working on an Alternate Route Preliminary Certificate. Alternate Route to Certification Programs meet the following standards:
1. Purpose - In order to ensure that every child is served by well-prepared educators in both professional expertise and content area knowledge, the Rhode Island Department of Education may approve alternative educator preparation programs. Programs may be designed to serve any of the following purposes:
a. Meet the demand for qualified teachers in high need certification areas. Recruit teachers to staff schools in high need LEAs.
b. Increase the number of qualified candidates from groups that are underrepresented in the Rhode Island teaching force.
c. Provide rigorous, high quality preparation through an expedited track to certification. Attract highly motivated individuals who bring subject matter expertise to the profession.
2. The following definitions apply to this section:
a. "Alternative educator preparation program" means a program that provides preparation to educator candidates who serve as teachers of record while completing the approved program. These programs may be offered by an institution of higher education, a professional organization, or a private service provider.
b. "Teacher of record" means:
(1) Teachers that are responsible for content instruction and determining student grades, or
(2) Administrators or other education service providers that perform the functions allowed by their program certificate area.
3. Approval of program. To be approved by the Rhode Island Department of Education an alternative educator preparation program must:
a. Meet the Performance Review for Educator Preparation-RI (PREP-RI) standards and participate in regular program review as defined in the RIDE Teacher Preparation Approval Guidelines. Notwithstanding language to the contrary within PREP-RI any reference to institutions of higher education or colleges and universities shall be interpreted to include private service providers and other professional organizations for the purposes of this section.
b. Develop a partnership with one (1) LEA or consortium of LEAs that demonstrates a commitment by the LEA(s) to hire and supervise candidates as teachers of record while enrolled in an approved alternative route to certification program.
c. Be designed and delivered in a way that is responsive to needs of candidates and LEAs through a measurable system of assessment as defined in PREP-RI.
d. Private service providers and other professional organizations do not require accreditation by NEASC.
4. Program Components. The PREP-RI approval process and the standards contained therein apply to both traditional and alternative educator preparation programs. Alternative certification programs must design program components that align to PREP-RI standards and must:
a. Ensure that candidates meet eligibility requirements for their certificate area prior to entering an approved program. Programs may develop conditional acceptance policies for RIDE approval.
b. Include rigorous admission criteria that include:
(1) A minimum of a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution; and, for secondary areas, a major in or closely related to the intended teaching field or demonstration of content knowledge by meeting other Council approved content knowledge measures as they are developed and contained in RI certification Regulations;
(2) A minimum cumulative grade point average of "B" (3.00 on a 4.00 scale) in undergraduate studies; or in at least twenty-four (24) semester hours of graduate study;
(3) Other admission criteria identified by the program to meet PREP-RI standards.
c. Include the successful completion of an intensive pre-service experience of a minimum of five (5) weeks that addresses the unique needs of the certificate areas and prepares individuals to begin serving as the educator of record including, but not limited to, instruction in grade-level appropriate pedagogy, classroom management, and the Statutes and Regulations governing public education and students' rights. The pre-service experience must also include opportunities for candidates to apply knowledge and skills.
d. Include an ongoing curriculum during the school year through seminars or courses.
e. Require individuals working on an Alternative Route Preliminary Certificate to serve as the teacher of record for a minimum of one (1) school year.
f. Ensure ongoing professional support and supervision of candidates by educators who model effective practice and assume responsibility for supporting prospective colleagues. Program and district personnel including, but not limited to, a district-assigned mentor, consistent with Council standards for induction and mentoring, must provide field-based support and supervision in such a way that supports the development of prospective educators. Ongoing feedback provided to candidates must focus on improving candidate performance.
5. Certification:
a. Individuals in alternative route to certification programs will hold an Alternative Route Preliminary Certificate that allows them to serve as the teacher of record for at least one (1) school year.
b. Upon successful completion of all program requirements, state testing requirements and recommendation for licensure, individuals will be eligible for a Rhode Island initial educator certificate.
1.8.9Career and Technical Education Preliminary Certificate
A. The Career and Technical Education Preliminary Certificate is issued in a specific career and technical education area of certification to individuals who have demonstrated accomplished practice through an apprenticeship and experience in the specific career and technical area and who have passed a written and practical exam in the career and technical field, when applicable.
1. Total duration of certificate - seven (7) years.
2. The Career and Technical Education Preliminary Certificate is valid for three (3) years and may be renewed one (1) time for four (4) years.
3. Conditions for Issuance:
a. The applicant holds a high school diploma or a high school equivalency diploma;
b. The applicant must have five (5) years of work experience in the career and technical area if he or she holds high school diploma;
c. The applicant must have three (3) years of work experience in the specific career and technical area if the applicant holds an associate's or bachelor's degree in the career and technical area;
d. If applicable, the applicant holds a valid occupational license/certification in the career and technical area issued by the appropriate Rhode Island governing body; and
e. The employing agency must provide induction support for all new Career and Technical Educators working under this certificate.
4. Conditions for Renewal
a. The applicant is enrolled in a preparation program prior to renewal and must demonstrate progress in the preparation program at the time of renewal;
b. The preparation program and the employing agency recommend renewal based on the educator's performance in the job and progress in the program;
c. The applicant has passed a written practical exam in the career and technical area when available and applicable. Applicants who hold advanced industry licenses issued by the appropriate Rhode Island governing body or advanced industry certificates are not required to complete subject matter testing; and
d. If a bachelor's degree or work experience was completed more than ten (10) years prior to the date of application, subject matter testing will be required, even if it otherwise would not have been required.
5. Certification Areas

All Secondary Grades Career and Technical Education areas are included.

1.8.10Emergency Preliminary Certificate
A. The Emergency Route Preliminary Certificate is issued at the request of an employing agency when the agency documents that it has not been able to find a candidate who is certified and qualified for a position that requires certification. The Emergency Preliminary Certificate is issued to an individual who has adequate content or knowledge of field preparation to fill the position while working towards the completion of requirements for full certification.
1. Duration

The Emergency Route Preliminary Certificate is valid for one (1) year.

2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The applicant for a certificate in a teaching area holds a bachelor's degree, if applicable, and the applicant for an administrative area (except for School Business Administrator) or a support professional area holds an advanced degree from an accredited institution;
b. The applicant for an Emergency Preliminary Certificate in a teaching field has sufficient subject matter preparation to teach in the field, but has not demonstrated the level of knowledge through the content assessment The applicant for an Emergency Preliminary Certificate in an administrative or support professional field has sufficient knowledge of the field to serve in the assignment but has not demonstrated the level of knowledge through the knowledge of field assessment;
c. The employing agency can request an Emergency Preliminary Certificate beginning on July 1 prior to a school year and requests for renewal can be made beginning in June of the following year;
d. The employing agency demonstrates that they have advertised the position and made efforts to identify and recruit applicants but were unable to find a candidate who is certified and qualified;
e. The certificate is valid only in the requesting agency.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. For teaching areas, the applicant has passed the subject matter test prior to first (1st) renewal.
b. For administrative and support professional areas, the applicant has passed the knowledge of field test prior to first (1st) renewal.
c. The applicant has enrolled in a preparation program if there is an approved Rhode Island program or has developed a credential development plan if there is not an approved Rhode Island program prior to first (1st) renewal.
d. The preparation program and the employing agency recommend renewal based on the educator's performance and progress. Beginning with the second (2nd) renewal, progress in the preparation program must be demonstrated. If there is no approved Rhode Island preparation program, the applicant must demonstrate progress towards the completion of the credential development plan.
e. The Emergency Route Preliminary Certificate can be renewed up to three (3) times. When appropriate, the educator shall be issued an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate instead of a renewal of an Emergency Preliminary Certificate.
4. Certification Areas

All teacher, administrator, and support professional areas are included.

5. Additional Requirements

An Emergency Preliminary Certificate can only be issued for the Support Professional Area of Speech Language Pathologist to an individual who holds a bachelor's degree in communicative disorders from an accredited college or university and has successfully completed no less than eighteen (18) hours of graduate credit in the area of speech language pathology. Districts must assure that the individual is under the direct supervision of a certified speech language pathologist who is supervising no more than one (1) person on an Emergency Certificate.

1.8.11Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate
A. The Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate is issued to individuals who have a bachelor's degree, demonstrate subject matter proficiency through content examinations, and have met other coursework or experience requirements specific to individual certification areas.
1. Duration

The Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate is valid for one (1) year.

2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The applicant for a certificate in a teaching area holds a bachelor's degree and the applicant for an administrative area (except for School Business Administrator) or for a support professional area holds an advanced degree from an approved institution;
b. The applicant has passed all subject matter assessment requirements in teaching certification areas;
c. The applicant has passed all knowledge of field assessment requirements in administrative certification areas; and
d. The applicant has provided evidence of meeting any other preparation required for specific certification areas as specified in §1.8.10(A)(5) of this Part.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. The applicant has enrolled in a preparation program if there is an approved Rhode Island program or developed a credential development plan if there is not an approved Rhode Island program prior to first (1st) renewal.
b. The preparation program and the employing agency recommend renewal based on the educator's performance and progress. Beginning with the second (2nd) renewal, progress in the preparation program must be demonstrated. If there is no approved Rhode Island preparation program, the applicant must demonstrate progress towards the completion of the credential development plan.
c. The Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate can be renewed up to three (3) times.
4. Certification Areas

All teacher areas, administrator areas, and support professional certification areas are included.

5. Additional Requirements
a. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in Early Childhood Education or Elementary Education has passed the pedagogy assessment, has completed seminars or coursework in the teaching of Reading, English Language Arts, and Mathematics, and in teaching students with disabilities.
b. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in any Middle Level Education (independent of an Elementary Education or Secondary Grades certificate), Secondary Grades, or All Grades subject matter area, has a major or equivalent in the content field or in a closely related field.
c. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in Middle Level Education (added on to an Elementary Education certificate) has demonstrated meeting the content competencies with a minimum of twenty-one (21) semester hours in the content field.
d. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in English as a Second Language has met assessment requirements for teaching English as a Second Language.
e. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in Bilingual and Dual Language Education holds a general education certificate for Early Childhood, Elementary Education, Middle Grades Education, Secondary Grades Education, or All Grades Education and has met assessment requirements for teaching English as a Second Language and demonstrated proficiency in the second (2nd) language of instruction.
f. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in Special Education has met assessment requirements for teaching Special Education.
g. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in Special Education-Deaf and Hard of Hearing has met assessment requirements for teaching in this field and has met assessment requirements in American Sign Language.
h. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in Special Education - Oral/Aural Communication has met assessment requirements for teaching in this field.
i. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in Special Education - Severe Intellectual Disability has met assessment requirements for teaching in this field.
j. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in Special Education - Visually Impaired has met assessment requirements for teaching in this field and has demonstrated competency in reading and writing Braille.
k. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in Building Level Administrator has met all knowledge of field-testing requirements and has three (3) years of educational experience.
l. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in District Level Administrator-Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment holds a certificate as a Building Level Administrator and has met all knowledge of field-testing requirements.
m. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in District Level Administrator - Special Education holds a certificate as a Building Level Administrator, has met all knowledge of field-testing requirements, and has three (3) years of educational experience in Special Education.
n. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in School Business Administrator has at least three (3) years of significant experience as a business administrator in a non-education context with responsibility in at least two (2) of the following five (5) areas: financial resource management, human resource management, facility management, property acquisition and management, and information management.
o. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in Superintendent of Schools has met all knowledge of field-testing requirements and at least three (3) years of significant experience as a building administrator or significant leadership in a non-educational context.
p. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in English as a Second Language Specialist/Consultant has met all knowledge of field-testing requirements and has three (3) years teaching experience.
q. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in Mathematics Specialist/Consultant has met all knowledge of field-testing requirements and has three (3) years teaching experience.
r. An applicant for an Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate in Reading Specialist/Consultant has met all knowledge of field-testing requirements and has three (3) years teaching experience.
1.8.12Expert Residency - Shortages Preliminary Certificate
A. The Expert Residency - Shortages Preliminary Certificate is issued to individuals who hold a bachelor's degree and have demonstrated subject matter competency in the shortage area.
1. Duration

The Expert Residency - Shortages Preliminary Certificate is valid for three (3) years and may be renewed one (1) time for four (4) years.

2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The applicant holds a bachelor's degree from a regionally accredited institution with a minimum GPA of 2.75;
b. The applicant has met subject matter assessment requirements in the requested area(s);
c. The applicant has provided evidence of meeting the additional certificate requirements for specific certification areas;
d. The applicant provides evidence that the employing agency is requesting issuance on behalf of the applicant; and
e. The applicant provides evidence that induction coaching that includes support for planning, observation, and feedback for a minimum of ninety (90) hours will be provided by the employing agency.
f. The certificate is valid only in the requesting employing agency.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. The applicant is enrolled in a preparation program prior to renewal or has an approved credential review plan if no approved program is available. The applicant must demonstrate progress in the preparation program at the time of renewal;
b. The preparation program and the employing agency recommend renewal based on the educator's performance in the assignment and progress in the preparation program;
c. The applicant must provide evidence of successful participation in an induction program during the first three (3) years of employment;
d. The applicant has passed any required pedagogy assessments;
e. The applicant has received evaluations ratings of Effective or Highly Effective for two (2) of the three (3) years of employment; and
f. The applicant provides evidence that the employing agency agrees to continue annual evaluation during the four (4) year renewal period and ensures a professional growth plan is in effect focused in areas of growth and improvement.
g. The applicant is eligible for full certification only at the completion of seven (7) years of employment in the requesting district and successful completion of all requirements for full certification.
4. Certification Areas
a. RIDE will identify shortage areas at least every five (5) years and seek the approval of the Council for these identified areas. Potential shortage areas will be identified based on national trends in annual federal loan forgiveness, local trends in high needs areas, as well as local areas of Cultural Competence and School Business Administrator. There is no fee for certification in shortage areas.
b. Requirements for dependent certificates apply to the Expert Residency - Shortages Preliminary Certificate.
c. RIDE will seek approval from the Council prior to the implementation of the Expert Residency Cultural Competence Shortages Certificate.
5. Additional Certificate Requirements
a. For all teacher certificate areas, the applicant must meet subject matter assessment requirements.
b. For the area of Cultural Competence, the applicant must provide evidence that the employing agency conducted a recruitment and hiring process ensuring the applicant's dispositions for success and cultural competence.
c. For the area of School Business Administrator, the applicant must hold a bachelor's degree or advanced degree from an accredited institution in business administration, finance, or a related field.
1.8.13Fast-Track Principal Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate
A. The Fast-track Principal Expert Residency Preliminary Certificate may be issued to individuals who meet eligibility requirements pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-11-9 and have met coursework OR assessment requirements.
1. Duration:

The Fast-track Preliminary Certificate is valid for one (1) year.

2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The applicant has a minimum of ten (10) years of experience as a teacher or support professional;
b. The applicant has achieved evaluation ratings of Highly Effective or Effective;
c. The applicant holds a master's degree or higher;
d. The applicant has a record of consistent leadership within the LEA, demonstrated through serving as a facilitator of professional learning, dean, district coach, department chair, or in another leadership position within a school or LEA; and
e. The applicant has passed all knowledge of field assessment requirements OR has completed coursework in school finance, school law, and instructional leadership/program evaluation inclusive of data analysis.
3. Conditions for Renewals.
a. The applicant has demonstrated progress towards the completion of certification requirements for the Fast-track Principal Certificate; and
b. The employing agency recommends renewal based on performance and progress.
c. The Fast-track Principal Preliminary Certificate may be renewed up to three (3) times.
1.8.14Temporary Initial Educator Preliminary Certificate
A. A Temporary Initial Educator Preliminary Certificate is issued to an individual who has completed an approved educator preparation program in another state or who is certified in another state and is seeking certification in Rhode Island through reciprocity, but has demonstrated evidence of three (3) years of effective teaching experience.
B. To be awarded the Temporary Initial Educator Preliminary Certificate the individual must meet all of the requirements for the Initial Educator Certificate except for assessment requirements, including content, knowledge of field, and pedagogy assessment requirements. If the individual was prepared at an institution where the language of instruction was not English, then the individual must also meet the English Language Competency testing requirements.
1. Duration

The Temporary Initial Educator Preliminary Certificate is valid for one (1) year.

2. Conditions for Issuance
a. RIDE may issue a Temporary Initial Educator Preliminary Certificate if an applicant has completed an approved preparation program or is certified in another state and meets the preparation and eligibility requirements for an Initial Educator Certificate but has neither taken Rhode Island required assessments nor presented evidence of passing scores.
b. Once the applicant has met the requirements for the Initial Educator Certificate, submitted evidence of meeting the assessment requirement(s), and submitted payment of the fee for the Initial Educator Certificate, the certificate will be issued retroactive to the date of the issuance of the Temporary Initial Educator Preliminary Certificate.
c. An applicant can only receive a Temporary Initial Educator Preliminary Certificate once.
3. Conditions for Renewal

This certificate is not renewable.

4. Certification Areas

All teacher areas, all administrator areas, and all support professional areas are included.

1.8.15Visiting Lecturer Preliminary Certificate
A. The Visiting Lecturer Preliminary Certificate is issued at the request of an employing agency to individuals with distinctive qualifications and, therefore, a unique capacity to enhance educational programs in districts.
1. Duration

The Visiting Lecturer Preliminary Certificate is valid for one (1) year.

2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The applicant holds unique qualifications that supplement school and district programs;
b. An employing agency has offered the applicant employment;
c. The agency has developed a program of support to assist the lecturer with academic and classroom support and an assurance of regular observation, guidance, and evaluation of the performance of assigned duties; and
d. The certificate is valid only in the requesting agency.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. The employing agency recommends renewal based on the educator's performance.
b. The certificate can be renewed annually.
4. Certification Areas

All Secondary Grade and All Grade teacher certification areas are included.


Endorsements may be added to existing valid certificates in recognition of expanded or specialty area expertise. RIDE does not require specific endorsements for assignment in public schools, but LEAs may. Renewal requirements do not apply to endorsements. RIDE will designate endorsement areas and will publish competencies for the issuance of endorsements. RIDE will seek approval from the Council prior to the implementation of new endorsement areas.

1.8.17Special Provisional Certificate
A. The Special Provisional Certificate may be issued to any certified educator holding an Initial, Professional, or Advanced Educator Certificate who has not met the required professional learning units.
1. Duration

The Special Provisional Certificate is valid for one (1) year and is non-renewable.

2. Conditions for Issuance
a. The Special Provisional Certificate may be issued to an educator holding an Initial, Professional, or Advanced Educator Certificate when professional learning renewal requirements have not been met.
b. The Special Provisional Certificate may only be issued once in an educator's career in Rhode Island.
3. Conditions for Renewal
a. The Special Provisional Certificate is not renewable.
b. Upon submission of required professional learning units at the expiration of the Special Provisional Certificate, the remaining time will be issued on the educator's full certificates. Failure to submit required professional learning units will result in the expiration of all certificates.

200 R.I. Code R. § 200-RICR-20-20-1.8

Adopted effective 1/7/2019
Amended effective 9/24/2020