200 R.I. Code R. 200-RICR-20-10-3.7

Current through December 26, 2024
3.7.1SEA Support for the Career and Technical Education System
A. RIDE is hereby instructed to manage state and, where allowable and appropriate, federal funds in such a manner as to support: career preparation programs; the development of innovative delivery models; incentives for the development of programs in critical and emerging industries in Rhode Island; and/or expansion and improvement of the infrastructure upon which the CTE system rests.
B. The Commissioner, in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 16-45, shall establish and manage criteria for distribution of funding with goals that include, but are not limited to:
1. Transformation of existing career preparation programs and create new career preparation programs and career pathways in critical and emerging industries;
2. Offsetting of extraordinary capital expenses and expenses associated with equipment maintenance; and
3. Offsetting of expenses for career preparation programs found, through the benchmarking process, to have extraordinary costs for administration and maintenance.
C. RIDE shall prorate the state funds available for distribution among those eligible school districts if the total approved costs for which school districts are seeking reimbursement exceed the amount of funding available in any fiscal year.
3.7.2LEA Support for the Career and Technical Education System
A. RIDE shall ensure the effective use of resources through a rigorous program review and approval process. Career and technical education programs that are not RIDE-approved career preparation programs are ineligible to receive reimbursement from resident districts in accordance with provisions of this section.
B. To ensure an empirically based and equitable cost structure for students choosing to attend RIDE- approved career preparation programs, RIDE will establish cost benchmarks for RIDE-approved career preparation programs. The cost benchmarks will be established using financial and industry data including Rhode Island's Uniform Chart of Accounts (UCOA) and data from the National Center on Education Statistics (NCES). Cost benchmarks will be updated every three (3) years or more frequently if deemed necessary by RIDE, using the same data sources. An adjustment using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or the uniform chart of accounts data will be applied to the benchmarks when a full data update does not occur.
C. In the event that a student enrolls in a RIDE-approved career preparation program outside his or her resident district, the LEAs administering RIDE-approved career preparation programs shall be reimbursed by the resident LEA in accordance with the cost benchmark for the assigned program in which the student is assigned. The resident district shall also provide reimbursement for actual incremental services associated with student needs as defined by the student's Individual Education Program (IEP). Resident districts will reimburse the LEAs administering RIDE-approved career preparation programs based on a methodology established by RIDE using UCOA if the benchmarks are not available.
D. State, local and allowable federal funds shall be directed toward, but not limited to, the development and improvement of programs of study and to associated operating costs of high quality, relevant, and high cost RIDE-approved career preparation programs. Based on the availability of funding, one-time grants may be awarded to cover start-up costs for prospective career preparation programs and/or one-time costs of construction and equipment.

200 R.I. Code R. 200-RICR-20-10-3.7