200 R.I. Code R. 200-RICR-20-10-3.4

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 200-RICR-20-10-3.4 - QUALITY ASSURANCE
A. The Commissioner shall establish and maintain a quality assurance process that focuses on the review and approval of career preparation programs. The RIDE-managed review and approval of career preparation programs shall be grounded in the career preparation program standards and will have two primary purposes:
1. promoting of program quality and continuous improvement; and
2. rendering and communicating decisions about career preparation program approval status as set forth in §§3.4.2 and 3.4.3 of this Part.
3.4.1Career Preparation Program Standards
A. The Regents shall adopt career preparation program standards that are consistent with federal requirements and that reflect research and national best practice. Career preparation program standards shall be clearly and fully communicated to all LEAs and shall establish expectations in areas that include but are not limited to:
1. policies and procedures,
2. partnerships,
3. program operations,
4. staffing, certification, and professional development,
5. curriculum, instruction and technical skill assessment,
6. supplemental and support services, and
7. secondary to postsecondary transition.
B. Career preparation program standards shall be reviewed no less than every five years. In the event of changes to career preparation program standards, LEAs shall have no less than one year to respond before the changes take effect through the review and approval process described in §3.4.2 of this Part.
3.4.2Career Preparation Program Review and Approval Process
A. Pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 16-45, the Commissioner shall develop and manage a career preparation program review and approval process that sets forth clear standards and procedures to approve career preparation programs. The Review and Approval Process includes, but is not limited to, the following components:
1. A self-study utilizing a RIDE-published instrument;
2. Submission of key student outcome data; and
3. An LEA application for initial or renewed approval that includes detailed program design and implementation information aligned to published career preparation program standards and RIDE application requirements.
B. The Commissioner may approve the substitution of rigorous, nationally recognized, industry- specific program review and accreditation processes, in whole or part, for RIDE's Review and Approval process. In the event that the Commissioner approves such a substitution, the LEA shall reserve the right to select from either the RIDE Review and Approval process or the alternative approval process.
C. The review and approval process and all judgments rendered as a result of its administration shall be clearly aligned to and consistent with the career preparation program standards.
D. At the conclusion of the review and approval process, RIDE shall issue a written report that will conclude with one of three designations:
1. Provisional approval: conditional and temporary approval requiring programs to meet improvement targets and/or complete action steps to achieve full approval;
2. Full approval: for career preparation programs that have satisfied all components of the review and approval process; or
3. Not approved: career preparation programs that have been found deficient through the Review and Approval Process.
E. Career preparation programs that are granted full or provisional approval will be designated as a RIDE-approved career preparation program.
F. Career preparation programs in existence prior to the promulgation of these regulations may be eligible for provisional approval provided that such a program meets at least one of the following conditions:
1. Prior approval for funding as a program of study under the Perkins IV grant application process; or
2. Prior approval as a program of study under the RIDE program approval process.
3.4.3Results of Career Preparation Program Review and Approval Process
A. Results of the review and approval process and/or changes in approval status will be communicated to the affected LEA in a timely manner. LEAs shall be given no more than 30 business days to respond to an initial draft of the findings of the Review and Approval Process and/or to a notification of change in their approval status.
B. Career preparation programs that lose full approval status will be afforded not more than 30 business days from the date of the issuance of the final RIDE written report to submit an improvement plan that fully addresses deficiencies identified by the review process. The improvement plan must be approved by RIDE no more than 30 business days from receipt.
C. Career preparation programs not granted RIDE approval have the right to due process as provided in the Board of Regents in the Board of Regents By-Laws, Chapter A-5.

200 R.I. Code R. 200-RICR-20-10-3.4