110 R.I. Code R. 110-RICR-30-00-2.3

Current through December 26, 2024
Section 110-RICR-30-00-2.3 - Registration
A. There has been established in the Division of Charitable Trusts, Department of the Attorney General, a Register of Charitable Trusts.
B. The trustee or trustees of each charitable trust established or active in the State of Rhode Island shall file with the Division a statement showing:
1. Whether such charitable trust was established by will, deed, indenture or other instrument and the name of the testator or settlor.
2. The name and address of the trustee or settlor.
3. The name and address of the present charitable beneficiary or beneficiaries.
4. The name an address of any future charitable beneficiary or beneficiaries.
5. The purpose of the trust and whether or not the trust will consider unsolicited requests for grants.
6. A copy of the will or indenture establishing the trust.
7. The value of the trust as of the latest appraisal and the date of said appraisal.
C. The trustee or trustees of each newly established charitable trust shall, within thirty (30) days after such trust is effective or active within the State of Rhode Island file with the Division a statement containing the information listed in § 2.3(B) of this Part with the Division.
D. Each registration statement filed under §§ 2.3(B) or (C) of this Part hereof, shall be accompanied by a registration fee of fifty dollars ($50.00). Checks should be made payable to the "General Treasurer, State of Rhode Island".
E. Forms for filing registration statements may be obtained from the Division of Charitable Trusts, Department of Attorney General, 150 South Main Street, Providence, RI 02903.
F. The following trusts are exempt from registration:
1. Charitable, religious, and educational institutions holding funds in trust exclusively for their own charter or corporate purpose.
2. Charitable trusts in which the charitable interest is contingent upon the happening of an uncertain future event; provided, however, that upon the happening of the event vesting the charitable interest such trust shall thereafter comply with all the aforesaid registration provisions.

110 R.I. Code R. 110-RICR-30-00-2.3