O = -1.32 - 0.407log(TAt/GNP) + 6.03TLt/TAt - 1.43 WCt/TAt + 0.0757 CLt/CAt - 1.72X - 2.37NIt/TAt - 1.83FFOt/TLt = + 0.285Y - 0.521 (NIt-NIt-1)/(|NIt| + |NIt-1|)
TA = total assets
GNP = Gross National Product price index level found at (https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/A001RG3A086NBEA)
TL = total liabilities
WC = working capital = (current assets) - (current liabilities)
CL = current liabilities
CA = current assets
X = 1 if TL [GREATER THAN] TA, 0 otherwise
NI = net income after taxes
FFO = cash flow from operating activities
Y = 1 if a net loss for the last 2 years, 0 otherwise
t = most recent year data
t-1 = prior year data
The Board shall complete its computation and review of the Ohlson O-score, and notify the dealer and affected producers, within 10 business days of receiving the necessary documentation from a dealer. "Necessary documentation" is the Balance Sheet and Statement of Operations found in the Milk Dealer's Financial Statement (PMMB-60), and the Statement of Cash Flows prepared annually with the dealer's financial statements.
7 Pa. Code § 143.31
The provisions of this § 143.31 amended under sections 301 and 307 of the Milk Marketing Law (31 P.S. § § 700j-301 and 700j-307).
This section cited in 7 Pa. Code § 143.33 (relating to individual variations).