(d) The applicant or the county board shall provide a soils report and a color-coded soils map for the farmland tract proposed for easement purchase. The soils report shall also contain a list of soil mapping unit names, symbols and land capability classes on the farmland tract. The soils map shall use as a base soil survey maps published by the USDA-NRCS. A county with a digital mapping database system for soils may provide the soils map in digital form in an appropriate scale acceptable to the Department. The soils map shall color code soil types as follows: Land capability class I = Green
Land capability class II = Yellow
Land capability class III = Red
Land capability class IV = Blue
Land capability class V-VIII = Uncolored
Wetlands = Cross-hatch, or shown on a separate map
This section cited in 7 Pa. Code § 138e.19 (relating to purchasing procedures); and 7 Pa. Code § 138e.103 (relating to expenditure of matching funds).