7 Pa. Code § 108.11
The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
Act-The Agricultural Liming Materials Act (3 P. S. § § 132-1-132-14).
Agricultural liming material-A product whose calcium and magnesium compounds are capable of neutralizing soil acidity.
Bulk-Substances that are in nonpackaged form.
Burnt lime-A material made from limestone which consists predominantly of calcium oxide or a combination of calcium oxide with magnesium oxide.
CCE-Calcium Carbonate Equivalent-The acid neutralizing capacity of an agricultural liming material expressed as weight percentage of calcium carbonate.
ENV-Effective Neutralizing Value-A relative value using the calcium oxide content, magnesium oxide content and fineness to express the effectiveness of a limestone in neutralizing soil acidity. The term is synonymous with effective neutralizing power (ENP).
Fineness-The percentage by weight of the material which will pass United States Standard sieves of specified sizes.
Hydrated lime-A material made from burnt lime which consists predominantly of calcium hydroxide or a combination of calcium hydroxide with magnesium oxide or magnesium hydroxide, or both.
Industrial by-product-Industrial waste or a by-product containing calcium or calcium and magnesium in forms that will neutralize soil acidity.
Label-Written or printed matter on or attached to the package or on the delivery slip which accompanies a bulk shipment.
Limestone-A material consisting predominantly of calcium carbonate with magnesium carbonate capable of neutralizing soil acidity.
Marl-A granular or loosely consolidated earthy material composed predominantly of seashell fragments and calcium carbonate.
Shells-The product obtained by grinding the shells of mollusks.
7 Pa. Code § 108.11