50 3/4 inch or 1 inch adhesive compress
10 gauze pads (4 inches x 4 inches)
20 gauze pads (3 inches x 3 inches)
10 gauze pads (2 inches x 2 inches)
2 gauze roller bandage (2 inches x 6 yards)
1 roll surgical or adhesive tape (1 inch)
1 roll surgical or adhesive tape (1/2 inch)
50 cotton balls or equivalent
50 cotton tipped applicators
12 aromatic ammonia inhalants (for use as smelling salts)
1 eight ounce container of ethyl or isopropyl alcohol (70%)
1 eight ounce container of benzalkonium chloride (aqueous solution 1:750)
1 scissors
1 tweezers
7 Pa. Code § 82.16
The provisions of this § 82.16 issued under sections 301 and 603 of the Seasonal Farm Labor Act (43 P. S. § § 1301.301 and 1301.603).