58 Pa. Code § 1408a.2
The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
Integrity monitoring-Observing sports wagering to identify suspicious wagering activity or unusual wagering activity to then report the activities to required parties.
Personal identifiable information-Any data or information that can be used, on its own or with other data or information, to identify, contact or otherwise locate a player or registered player, including a player's or registered player's name, address, date of birth and social security number.
Risk management-Processes and tools that sports wagering certificate holders or sports wagering operators use to manage the risk and liabilities associated with sports wagering.
Sports wagering device and associated equipment-Self-service kiosk, point of sale system or other device, including associated equipment, used to accept sports wagering as permitted for use in this Commonwealth by the Board.
Sports wagering system-Sports wagering devices, equipment, communication technology, software and hardware approved by the Board to conduct sports wagering in this Commonwealth.
Suspicious wagering activity-Unusual wagering activity that cannot be explained and is indicative of match fixing, the manipulation of an event, misuse of inside information or other prohibited activity.
Unusual wagering activity-Abnormal wagering activity exhibited by patrons and deemed by the sports wagering certificate holder or sports wagering operator as a potential indicator of suspicious activity which may include the size of a patron's wager or increased wagering volume on a particular event or wager type.
58 Pa. Code § 1408a.2