Pa. Code tit. 55, pt. VI, subpt. C, ch. 4305, MENTAL HEALTH CLIENT FEE SCHEDULES, app B

Current through Register Vol. 55, No. 1, January 4, 2025
Appendix B

Monthly Liability for Community Mental Health and Intellectual Disability Residential and Short-Term Inpatient Services

Adjusted Family Income

Number of Dependents

500- 999 1311109865432
1000-1499 2521181513108654
1500-1999 38312520161411965
2000-2499 50433631282420161411
2500-2999 63544640353025211915
3000-3499 75655649433631282420
3500-3999 88766658504338332824
4000-4499 100867666585044393430
4500-4999 113988574655548413631
5000-5499 1251099583736355494439
5500-5999 14412511096857465585044
6000-6499 163143125110968575665951
6500-6999 1811591401251099584746659
7000-7499 20017515413612010594837365
7500-7999 219191169149131115101908070
8000-8499 238208183160141124110968575
8500-8999 2562241961731511331161039079
9000-9499 2752402101841611411241099583
9500-9999 2942562241951701491301149986
10000-10499 31927924421318616314112410894
10500-10999 344300265230201176154134118103
11000-11499 369323281246215189165144126110
11500-11999 394343300263230201175154134118
12000-12499 419365319279244213185161141123
12500-12999 444388338295258224195170148129
13000-13499 469409356310270235204178154134
13500-13999 494430374325283246214185160139
14000-14499 519451391340295256221191165141
14500-14999 544473410355308265229198169145
15000-15499 569493428369319275236203173146
15500-15999 594514444383330284243206175149
16000-16499 619535461398341291249211179151
16500-16999 644555478410351300255215180155
17000-17499 669578498429368315268228191160
17500-17999 694600518446384329281239203170
18000-18499 719623538465400344295251214180
18500-18999 744645559483416359309264225191
19000-19499 769668579501433374321276236201
19500-19999 794689599519449389335289248211
20000-20499 819711619538466404349301259223
20500-20999 844734639555483419363313270233
21000-21499 869756659573499433375325281243
21500-21999 894779679591515448390339294254
22000-22499 919801699610531463403350305264
22500-22999 944824719628548478416363315275
23000-23499 969846739646564493430375328285
23500-23999 994869759664580508444388339295
24000-24499 1019891779681596523456400350306
24500-24999 1044914800700614538470413361316
25000-25499 1069936820719630551484425373326

Formulae if Adjusted Family Income Exceeds $25,499

The liability for 1 dependent is adjusted family income times 0.0420

The liability for 2 dependents is adjusted family income times 0.0368

The liability for 3 dependents is adjusted family income times 0.0321

The liability for 4 dependents is adjusted family income times 0.0281

The liability for 5 dependents is adjusted family income times 0.0246

The liability for 6 dependents is adjusted family income times 0.0215

The liability for 7 dependents is adjusted family income times 0.0188

The liability for 8 dependents is adjusted family income times 0.0165

The liability for 9 dependents is adjusted family income times 0.0144

The liability for 10 dependents is adjusted family income times 0.0126

The liability for 11 dependents is adjusted family income times 0.0110

Pa. Code tit. 55, pt. VI, subpt. C, ch. 4305, MENTAL HEALTH CLIENT FEE SCHEDULES, app B

The provisions of this Appendix B amended June 17, 2016, effective 6/18/2016, 46 Pa.B. 3177.

The provisions of this Appendix B amended under sections 201(2) and (8) and 202 of the Mental Health and Intellectual Disability Act of 1966 (50 P.S. §§ 4201(2) and (8) and 4202).

This appendix cited in 55 Pa. Code § 4305.41 (relating to liability); 55 Pa. Code § 4305.42 (relating to more than one client receiving service); and 55 Pa. Code § 4305.43 (relating to client receiving more than one service).