55 Pa. Code § 183.2

Current through Register Vol. 55, No. 1, January 4, 2025
Section 183.2 - Definitions

The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

Actual income-Income which is received in the budget month.

Budget group-One or more related or unrelated individuals who occupy a common residence or would occupy a common residence if they were not homeless and whose needs and eligibility are considered together in determining eligibility for cash assistance under one category of assistance.

Budget month-The calendar month from which actual income and circumstances are used to determine eligibility and the amount of the monthly assistance payment. The term is referred to as the reporting period on the Monthly Reporting Form.

Deemed income-Income which is considered available regardless of whether actually received.

Earned income-Cash or income-in-kind received by the client in return for services rendered.

Full-time employment-Employment which averages at least 30 hours per week in a calendar month.

Gross income-Total earned income, excluding earned income tax credit (EITC), before allowable deductions such as work and personal expenses, and total unearned income before allowable deductions.

LRR-Legally Responsible Relative-A spouse, or the natural or adoptive parent of a TANF dependent child, of a GA unemancipated child 18 years of age or younger or of a GA minor parent. The term does not include a putative father.

Life threatening emergency-A natural disaster, such as a flood, tornado, earthquake or an occurrence, such as a home or apartment fire, a serious illness or injury of a member of the budget group, a utility shut-off, eviction or other unforeseen events which cause a major loss of resources needed to sustain life or health.

Minor parent-A TANF-eligible person under 18 years of age who has never been married and is the natural parent of a dependent child living with the minor parent, or is pregnant or a GA-eligible person 16 or 17 years of age who has never been married and is the natural parent of a dependent child living with the minor parent, or is pregnant.

Monthly assistance payment-The amount of money issued monthly that is based on the family size allowance plus, if applicable, a special need allowance, reduced by the net income of the budget group.

Nonrecurring income-Income that the client receives, usually in a single payment, that is not expected to continue. The term includes lump sum income.

Parent-The natural or adoptive father or mother of one of the following:

(i) A TANF dependent child.
(ii) A TANF minor parent.
(iii) An unemancipated child 18 years of age or younger who is eligible for GA, including a minor parent subject to § 141.21(p) and (q) (relating to policy).

Part-time employment-Employment which averages less than 30 hours per week in a calendar month.

Payment month-The fiscal month for which the assistance payment is made.

Prospective budgeting-The computation of the monthly assistance payment based on the best estimate of income and circumstances which will exist in the calendar month in which the monthly assistance payment is made.

Prospective determination-The determination of eligibility based on the best estimate of income and circumstances which will exist in the calendar month in which the assistance payment is made.

Recurring income-Income that is expected to continue, regardless of whether this income is received on a regular or irregular basis.

Reporting period-The calendar month for which the client reports income and other circumstances.

Retrospective budgeting-The computation of the amount of the assistance payment issued in the payment month based on actual income and circumstances which existed in the budget month. The budget month precedes the payment month by approximately 2 months.

Sponsor-An individual who, or an organization which, executed an affidavit of support on behalf of an alien as a condition of the alien's entry into the United States.

Spouse-A person who is married to another by legal ceremony or by common-law.

Stepparent-A person who is married by legal ceremony or by common-law to the parent of a child.

TANF minor parent-A minor 17 years of age or younger, whose own natural or adoptive child is eligible for TANF as a dependent child.

Unearned income-Cash or contributions received by an individual for which the individual does not render a service.

55 Pa. Code § 183.2

The provisions of this § 183.2 adopted August 26, 1988, effective 11/1/1988, 18 Pa.B. 3921; amended April 20, 1990, effective immediately and retroactively applicable to October 1, 1989, 20 Pa.B. 2156; amended April 12, 1991, effective 5/1/1991, 21 Pa.B. 1557; amended August 16, 1991, effective 8/17/1991, 21 Pa.B. 3699; amended March 19, 1993, effective upon publication and applies retroactively to March 7, 1992, 23 Pa.B. 1315; amended August 14, 1998, effective immediately and apply retroactively to March 3, 1997, 28 Pa.B. 3939; amended July 28, 2000, the provisions under Act 35 effective retroactive to June 17, 1996, 30 Pa.B. 3779.

The provisions of this § 183.2 issued under section 403(b) of the Public Welfare Code (62 P. S. § 403(b)); amended under sections 201 and 403(b) of the Public Welfare Code (62 P. S. §§ 201 and 403(b)).