For Filing Officer Only
File Number:
Filing Date:
Form A
Intangible Transition Property Notice
General Docket Number:
Name of Grantor or Assignor:
Address of Grantor or Assignor:
Name of Financing Party or Assignee:
Address of Financing Party or Assignee from which Information concerning the Security Interest or Transfer in Interest Intangible Transition Property may be obtained:
This Intangible Transition Property Notice covers the Intangible Transition Property arising from the following Qualified Rate Order:
Commission Docket Number:
Date of Entry:
State whether the Intangible Transition Property Notice relates to all the above Qualified Rate Order and the amount of Intangible Transition Property arising therefrom, or only to a portion of such Order or Amount:
If "Portion" is checked, state either:
The Portion of the Qualified Rate Order to which this Notice relates (by reference to the applicable section(s) or paragraphs(s) of the Order:
The Amount of the Intangible Transition Property to which this Notice relates (in comparison to the Total Amount of such property):
$ ________
of a Total of $
Check one:
This Form A is filed to Perfect a Security Interest in Intangible Transition Property.
This Form A is filed to give notice of a Transfer of an Interest in Intangible Transition Property to an Assignee.
Signature of Grantor | Signature of Financing |
or Assignor | Party or Assignor |
Pa. Code tit. 52, pt. I, subpt. C, ch. 74, app A