This section provides guidance to licensees of how clinical necessity for chiropractic care under § 5.51(c) (relating to patient records) may be documented.
Acute condition-A patient's condition where the onset of the condition or symptoms, or both, has occurred or substantively worsened within a 6-week period prior to presentation and which is caused by some intervening event or trauma whether known or unknown.
Chronic care-Treatment of a chronic condition that is not expected to improve or resolve the chronic condition but is nonetheless expected to result in improvement in the patient's functional status that has regressed after a withdrawal of care.
Chronic condition-A patient's condition when the condition or symptomatology has existed for longer than 6 weeks. Classification of a condition as chronic in no way affects the expectation of whether the condition can be resolved or improved with treatment.
Elective care-Treatment delivered in the absence of symptoms or positive findings following examination or testing.
Exacerbation-A sudden, marked deterioration of the condition being treated, which causes a marked worsening in the patient's functional status, and which is caused by some intervening event or trauma, whether known or unknown.
Maintenance care-Treatment after maximum therapeutic benefit has been achieved from a course of treatment or care rendered for a chronic condition, which is not reasonably expected to improve substantively the patient's condition or functional capacity. Maintenance care is generally rendered on a predictable frequency and includes care for which the outcome is preventative, palliative or elective.
Palliative care-Treatment for an acute or chronic condition that is not reasonably expected to resolve or substantively improve the underlying injury, disease or defect and that is rendered with the sole expectation of ameliorating the patient's symptoms as opposed to significantly improving the patient's condition or capacity to function.
Preventive service-Service provided with the expectation of preventing worsening in a patient's chronic condition, preventing the onset of a condition, or reducing the risk of recurrence in a condition that has been treated and resolved. A service provided based upon findings uncovered during a preventive service examination is not a preventive service.
Recurrence-A return of an acute condition which was previously treated and resolved or stabilized and which has been quiescent for a period of time.
Restorative care-A course of active care provided that is reasonably expected to substantively improve the patient's condition or the patient's capacity to function.
Supportive care-Treatment for a condition once maximum therapeutic benefit has been established and after therapeutic treatment has been withdrawn two or more times with the patient failing to sustain previous therapeutic gains.
49 Pa. Code § 5.51a
The provisions of this § 5.51a issued under section 302(3) of the Chiropractic Practice Act (63 P. S. § 625.302(3)).