The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
Bookbinding-Any processes and operations connected with finishing of work, including cutting, ruling, folding, sewing, wire-stitching, bronzing, glueing and binding of pamphlets and books.
Composition-Processes and operations connected with casting or setting of type by hand or machine, and preparation of printing forms.
Electrotyping-Processes and operations connected with reproduction of printing surface by electrotyping.
Lithographing-Processes and operations connected with the production of lithograph stones and lithograph printing.
Photoengraving-Process and operations connected with the production of zinc, copper, or other metal printing plates by photoengraving.
Presswork-Operations and processes of printing machinery.
Printing and allied industries-Each individual, firm or corporation engaged in bookbinding, composition, electrotyping, lithographing, photoengraving, presswork, stereotyping and steel or copper plate printing.
Stereotyping-Processes and operations connected with the reproduction of printing surfaces by stereotyping.
Steel or copper plate printing-Processes and operations connected with the production of steel, copper, or other metal printing plates and dies, and steel plate printing and die stamping.
34 Pa. Code § 47.191