28 Pa. Code § 153.2

Current through Register Vol. 55, No. 1, January 4, 2025
Section 153.2 - Modifications
(a) The prescribed standards shall be sections 1 through 7 and sections 9 through 15 of the HHS Requirements except as stated in this section.
(b) The following changes shall be made:
(1) Page iii, under "Foreword": Delete the fourth paragraph.
(2) Pages iv and v: Delete "Major Additions and Revisions" and the 17 items thereunder.
(3) Delete the last sentence in section 1.1.D.
(4) Delete item 2 in section 1.3.
(5) Delete the last two sentences in section 4.3.
(6) Add to section 5.1: "Marked-up, approved final drawings (or duplicates thereof) showing as-built conditions will be acceptable to this Department. This does not prevent the owner from requiring a redrafted set of as-built drawing as part of the construction contract, if he desires a more formal document."
(7) Change section 6.2 as follows:
(i) Add between listing for Standard No. N.F.P.A. 56A and listing for Standard No. 56F the following:

"National Fire Protection Association (N.F.P.A.) Standard No. 56C (Laboratories in Health Related Institutions) sections 7.11F, 7.30D(2)(1)."

(ii) Change reference to "Standard No. 101 (1973)" to read "the edition of the National Fire Protection Association 101, Life Safety Code and all applicable appendices which are currently enforced by the Federal government."
(8) Add a new section 7.11F, to read as follows:

"Where laboratory facilities are located within the hospital, they shall comply with the requirements of N.F.P.A. 56C."

(9) Add, as a new first sentence to section 7.30D(2)(1):

"Laboratories shall comply with N.F.P.A. 56C in addition to the following general and special requirements."

(c) Add a new section 5.4 to read:

"The plans and specifications for construction shall indicate the information for each of the three submission stages as follows:

(1)First stage-Program and schematics.
(i)Program or narrative description.
(A) List in outline form the rooms or spaces to be included in each department, explaining the functions or services to be provided in each, indicating the approximate size, the number of personnel, and the kind of equipment or furniture it will contain. Note any special or unusual services or equipment to be included in the facility.
(B) For inpatient facilities, submit a schedule showing total number of beds, type of rooms (such as single and two-bed rooms), and distribution of services (such as medicine and surgery).
(C) Give an outline of construction materials.
(ii)Schematic plans.
(A) Single line drawings of each floor shall show the relationship of the various departments or services to each other and the room arrangement in each department. The name of each room shall be noted. The proposed roads and walks, service and entrance courts, parking, and orientation may be shown on either a small plot plan or the first-floor plan. A simple vertical space diagram shall be submitted at this state.
(B) If the project is an addition or is otherwise related to existing buildings on the site, the plans shall show the facilities and general arrangement of those buildings.
(2)Second stage-Preliminaries.
(i)Plans. Preliminary sketch plans shall include the following:
(I) Plans of basement, floors, and roof showing space assignment, sizes, and outline of fixed and movable equipment.
(II) All elevations and typical sections.
(III) Plot plan showing roads, parking, and sidewalks.
(IV) Areas and bed capacities by floors.
(I) Single line layouts of all duct and piping systems.
(II) Riser diagrams for multi-story construction.
(III) Scale layout of boilers and major associated equipment and central heating, cooling, and ventilating units.
(I) Plans showing space assignment, sizes and outline of fixed equipment, such as transformers, main switch and switchboards, and generator sets.
(II) Simple riser diagram for multi-story building construction, showing arrangement of feeders, subfeeders, bus work, load centers, and branch circuit panels.
(ii)Outline specifications.
(A) General description of the construction, including interior finishes, types and locations of acoustical material, and special floor covering.
(B) Description of the airconditioning, heating, and ventilation systems and their controls; duct and piping systems and dietary, laundry, sterilizing, and other special equipment.
(C) General description of electrical service including voltage, number of feeders, and whether feeders are overhead or underground.
(3)Third stage-contract documents.
(i)Working drawings. Working drawings shall be complete and adequate bid contract, and construction purposes. Drawings shall be prepared for each of the following branches of the work; architectural, structural, mechanical, and electrical. They shall include the following:
(A)Architectural drawings.
(I) Approach plan showing all new topography, newly established levels and grades, existing structures, on the site, if any, new buildings and structures; roadways, walks, and the extent of the areas to be seeded. All structures and improvements which are to be removed under the construction contract shall be shown. A print of the site survey drawing shall be included with the working drawings for the information of bidders only. However, the survey drawing need not be made part of the contract documents.
(II) Plan of each basement, floor, and roof.
(III) Elevations of each facade.
(IV) Sections through the building.
(V) Required scale and full-size details.
(VI) Schedule of doors and finishes.
(VII) Location of all fixed equipment. Layout of typical and special rooms indicating all fixed equipment and major items of movable equipment. Equipment not included in the contract shall be so indicated.
(VIII) Details of construction, size and type of equipment, length and route of travel, machine and control spaces necessary, and utility requirements for:

"conveyors-gravity and power driven; cranes, dumbwaiters-electric, hand, hydraulic; elevators-freight, passenger, patient; hoists-electric, hand, hydraulic, pneumatic; loading dock devices; material handling systems; pneumatic tube systems; and stairs, moving.

(I) Plans for foundations, floors, roofs, and all intermediate levels with sizes, sections, and the relative location of the various structural members.
(II) Schedule of beams, girders, and columns.
(III) Dimensions of special openings and pipe sleeves.
(IV) Dimensions between floor levels, column centers, and offsets.
(V) Details of all special connections, assemblies, and expansion joints.
(VI) For special structures, a stress sheet showing outline of the structure; all load assumptions; stresses and bending moments separately for each kind of loading; maximum stress or bending, or both, for which each member is designed, when not readily apparent from stresses, and bending moments for each kind of loading; and horizontal and vertical reactions at column bases.
(C)Mechanical drawings.
(I) Heating, steam piping, and air-conditioning systems, including:

"radiators and steam heated equipment such as sterilizers, warmers, and steam tables, heating and steam mains and branches with pipe sizes; diagram of heating and steam risers with pipe sizes; sizes, types, and heating, surfaces of boilers, furnaces, with stokers, and oil burners, if any; pumps, tanks, boiler breeching and piping and boiler room accessories; air-conditioning systems with required equipment, water and refrigerant piping, and ducts; supply return and exhaust ventilating systems with steam connections and piping; and air quantities for all room supply return and exhaust ventilating duct openings.

(II) Plumbing, drainage, and standpipe systems, including:

"Size and elevation of street sewer, house sewer, house drains, street water main, and water service into the building; location and size of soil, waste, and vent stacks with connections to house drains, clean-outs, fixtures, and equipment; size and location of hot, cold, and circulating mains, branches, and risers from the service entrance, and tanks; riser diagram of all plumbing stacks with vents, water risers, and fixture connections; gas, oxygen, and special connections; standpipe and sprinkler systems; and all fixtures and equipment that require water and drain connections.

(D)Electrical drawings.
(I) Electric service entrance with switches and feeders to the public service feeders, characteristics of the light and power current, transformers and their connections if located in the building.
(II) Location of main switchboard, power panels, light panels, and equipment. Diagram of feeders and conduits with schedule of feeder breakers or switches.
(III) Light outlets, receptacles switches power outlets, and circuits.
(IV) Telephone layout showing service entrance, telephone switchboard, strip boxes, telephone outlets, and branch conduits.
(V) Nurses' call systems with outlets for beds, duty stations, door signal lights, annunciators, and wiring diagrams.
(VI) Fire alarm system with stations, signal devices, control board, and wiring diagrams.
(VII) Emergency electrical system with outlets, transfer switch, sources of supply, feeders, and circuits.
(VIII) All other electrically operated systems and equipment.
(ii)Specifications. Specifications shall supplement the drawings to fully describe the types, sizes, capacities, workmanship, finishes, and other characteristics of all materials and equipment and shall include the following:
(A) Cover or title sheet.
(B) Index.
(C) Sections describing materials and workmanship in detail for each class of work.
(D) The following statement with respect to access to the work:

"Representatives of the State agency will have access at all reasonable times to work whenever it is in preparation or progress, and the contractor shall provide proper facilities for such access and inspection."

(4) One copy of the narrative description and one copy of the schematic drawings shall be provided as the first stage submission.
(5) Three copies each of the plans and specifications shall be provided for both the second and third stage submissions.
(6) When, after review of the third stage documents by the Department, they are found to comply with the provisions of this section, one set of the final plans will be stamped as approved and returned to the owner. This approval is valid for a period of 18 months. If construction is not started within this 18 month period, a new submission of construction documents is required."

28 Pa. Code § 153.2

The provisions of this § 153.2 amended through January 20, 1984, effective 1/21/1984, 14 Pa.B. 215.

The provisions of this § 153.2 issued under 67 Pa.C.S. §§ 6101-6104; and Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1973 (71 P. S. § 755-2).