Each staff member engaged in the solid waste management programs shall receive adequate training in the areas of solid waste management, sanitary landfill operations, waste disposal techniques, hazardous solid waste management, groundwater standards, leachate treatment processes, recycling, resource recovery and environmental law. In addition to the initial training, the following measures shall be taken to ensure that employes remain current in the field of solid waste management:
(1) Solid waste staff should attend at least one formal training program every 3 years.(2) At least one trade journal and one professional journal in the field of solid waste management as well as textbooks and reference materials should be available to the staff.(3) Each solid waste staff member shall participate at least once annually in joint inspections with the member's supervisor and State solid waste program representative. DER will provide additional formal staff training to county health departments to enhance technical knowledge and ensure universal application of the rules and regulations.(4) Solid waste program staff members from the county shall be invited to participate at staff meetings held by DER program staff on a regular basis in regional and central offices.(5) County health departments will be provided with copies of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources, Division of Solid Waste Management's Policy and Procedures.(6) As a minimum, county health department staff members implementing the solid waste management program must complete a 30-hour course in Principles of Solid Waste Management under the direction and training of DER's Division of Solid Waste Management.