25 Pa. Code § 302.202
Initial Certification Class A, B, C, D ....................$150
Initial Certification Class Dc, Class E ....................$100
Certification through Reciprocity Class A, B, C, D....................$150
Certification through Reciprocity Class Dc; Class E....................$100
Certificate Renewal....................$60
Examination Session....................$35
Replacement of Certificate or Pocket Card ....................$25
Post-presentation Credit Application ....................$250
Training Provider Approval Application.................... $90
Brief Course Approval.................... $115
Full Course Approval.................... $300
Conference Approval.................... $70
Course Rosters.................... $1 per name
Classroom Courses offered by the Department are $10 per contact hour maximum per person.
Web-based Courses offered by the Department are $30 per contact hour maximum per person.
Onsite Training offered by the Department is $1,600 per event.
Approved Examination Providers:
Ten or more examination sessions per year.................... $800
Five to ten examination sessions per year.................... $700
Two to five examination sessions per year.................... $600
One examination session per year.................... $400
Annual Service Fee Class A System.................... $500
Annual Service Fee Class B System.................... $150
Annual Service Fee Class C System.................... $100
Annual Service Fee Class D and E Systems.................... $65
25 Pa. Code § 302.202
This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 302.201 (relating to form of application); 25 Pa. Code § 302.301 (relating to board procedures for certification action); and 25 Pa. Code § 302.603 (relating to examination eligibility).