Assembly coating-The term includes the primary and additional surface coatings applied during the vehicle assembly process.
Automobile and light-duty truck adhesive-An adhesive, including glass bonding adhesive, used at an automobile and light-duty truck assembly coating operation, applied for the purpose of bonding two vehicle surfaces together without regard to the substrates involved.
Automobile and light-duty truck assembly coating operation-An operation that applies an assembly coating to a new automobile body or a new light-duty truck body, or both, or a body part for a new automobile or for a new light-duty truck, or both, or another part that is coated along with the new automobile body or body part or new light-duty truck body or body part. The operation consists of one or more of the following processes:
Automobile and light-duty truck bedliner-A multicomponent coating, used at an automobile and light-duty truck assembly coating operation, applied to a cargo bed after the application of topcoat and outside of the topcoat operation to provide additional durability and chip resistance.
Automobile and light-duty truck cavity wax-A coating, used at an automobile and light-duty truck assembly coating operation, applied into the cavities of the vehicle primarily for the purpose of enhancing corrosion protection.
Automobile and light-duty truck deadener-A coating, used at an automobile and light-duty truck assembly coating operation, applied to selected vehicle surfaces primarily for the purpose of reducing the sound of road noise in the passenger compartment.
Automobile and light-duty truck gasket/gasket sealing material-
Automobile and light-duty truck glass bonding primer-
Automobile and light-duty truck lubricating wax/compound-A protective lubricating material, used at an automobile and light-duty truck assembly coating operation, applied to vehicle hubs and hinges.
Automobile and light-duty truck sealer-
Automobile and light-duty truck trunk interior coating-A coating, used at an automobile and light-duty truck assembly coating operation outside of the primer-surfacer and topcoat operations, applied to the trunk interior to provide chip protection.
Automobile and light-duty truck underbody coating-A coating, used at an automobile and light-duty truck assembly coating operation, applied to the undercarriage or firewall to prevent corrosion or provide chip protection, or both.
Automobile and light-duty truck weatherstrip adhesive-An adhesive, used at an automobile and light-duty truck assembly coating operation, applied to weather-stripping materials for the purpose of bonding the weatherstrip material to the surface of the vehicle.
Automobile Topcoat Protocol-A guidance document by the United States Environmental Protection Agency for determining the daily volatile organic compound emission rate of automobile and light-duty truck primer-surfacer and topcoat operations (EPA-453/R-08-002, September 2008, or revisions).
Body part-
EDP-Electrodeposition primer-
Final repair-The operations performed and coating or coatings applied to completely assembled motor vehicles or to parts that are not yet on a completely assembled vehicle to correct damage or imperfections in the coating. The curing of the coatings applied in these operations is accomplished at a lower temperature than that used for curing primer-surfacer and topcoat. This lower temperature cure avoids the need to send parts that are not yet on a completely assembled vehicle through the same type of curing process used for primer-surfacer and topcoat and is necessary to protect heat sensitive components on completely assembled vehicles.
Heavier vehicle-A self-propelled vehicle designed for transporting persons or property on a street or highway that has a gross vehicle weight rating over 8,500 pounds.
In-line repair-
Light-duty truck-A van, sport utility vehicle or motor vehicle designed primarily to transport light loads of property with a gross vehicle weight rating of 8,500 pounds or less.
Solids turnover ratio (RT)-The ratio of total volume of coating solids that is added to the EDP system in a calendar month divided by the total volume design capacity of the EDP system.
Table I. VOC Content Limits for Primary Assembly Coatings
Assembly Coating | VOC Emission Limit | ||
EDP operations (including application area, spray and rinse stations and curing oven) | When RT1 < 0.040 | When 0.040 <= RT1< 0.160 | When RT1 => 0.160 |
No VOC emission limit | 0.084 × 3500.160-RT kg VOC/liter coating solids applied or 0.084 × 3500.160-RT × 8.34 lb VOC/gal coating solids applied | 0.084 kg VOC/liter coating solids applied or 0.7 lb VOC/gal coating solids applied | |
Primer-surfacer operations (including application area, flash-off area, and oven) | 1.44 kg VOC/liter of deposited solids or 12.0 lbs VOC/gal deposited solids on a daily weighted average basis as determined by following the procedures in the revised Automobile Topcoat Protocol. | ||
Topcoat operations (including application area, flash-off area, and oven) | 1.44 kg VOC/liter of deposited solids or 12.0 lbs VOC/gal deposited solids on a daily weighted average basis as determined by following the procedures in the revised Automobile Topcoat Protocol. | ||
Final repair operations | 0.58 kg VOC/liter less water and less exempt solvents or 4.8 lbs VOC/gallon of coating less water and less exempt solvents on a daily weighted average basis or as an occurrence weighted average. | ||
Combined primer-surfacer and topcoat operations | 1.44 kg VOC/liter of deposited solids or 12.0 lbs VOC/gal deposited solids on a daily weighted average basis as determined by following the procedures in the revised Automobile Topcoat Protocol. | ||
1 RT is the solids turnover ratio. "Solids turnover ratio" is defined in subsection (b). |
Table II. VOC Content Limits for Additional Assembly Coatings(grams of VOC per liter of coating excluding water and exempt compounds) as Applied
Material2 | g VOC/liter coating lesswater and exempt compounds | lb VOC/gal coating lesswater and exempt compounds |
Automobile and Light-duty Truck Glass Bonding Primer | 900 | 7.51 |
Automobile and Light-duty Truck Adhesive | 250 | 2.09 |
Automobile and Light-duty Truck Cavity Wax | 650 | 5.4 |
Automobile and Light-duty Truck Sealer | 650 | 5.4 |
Automobile and Light-duty Truck Deadener | 650 | 5.4 |
Automobile and Light-duty Truck Gasket/Gasket Sealing Material | 200 | 1.7 |
Automobile and Light-duty Truck Underbody Coating | 650 | 5.4 |
Automobile and Light-duty Truck Trunk Interior Coating | 650 | 5.4 |
Automobile and Light-duty Truck Bedliner | 200 | 1.7 |
Automobile and Light-duty Truck Lubricating Wax/Compound | 700 | 5.8 |
Automobile and Light-duty Truck Weatherstrip Adhesive | 750 | 6.26 |
2 The owner and operator of a facility that coats a body or body part, or both, for a new heavier vehicle that elects under subsection (a)(3) to comply with this section instead of § 129.52d shall comply with these limits for equivalent coating materials. |
25 Pa. Code § 129.52e
The provisions of this § 129.52e issued under section 5(a)(1) and (8) of the Air Pollution Control Act (35 P.S. § 4005(a)(1) and (8)).
This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 129.51 (relating to general); 25 Pa. Code § 129.52d (relating to control of VOC emissions from miscellaneous metal parts surface coating processes, miscellaneous plastic parts surface coating processes and pleasure craft surface coatings); 25 Pa. Code § 129.96 (relating to applicability); and 25 Pa. Code § 129.111 (relating to applicability).