25 Pa. Code § 93.8e

Current through Register Vol. 55, No. 1, January 4, 2025
Section 93.8e - Special criteria for the Great Lakes System
(a)Special criteria. The special provisions in this section apply for the Great Lakes System, which includes the streams, rivers, lakes and other bodies of surface water within the drainage basin of the Great Lakes in this Commonwealth.
(b)Water quality criteria for the Great Lakes System. Human health and aquatic life criteria for the Great Lakes System are contained in Table 6 (relating to Great Lakes aquatic life and human health criteria). For any pollutant not listed in the table, criteria in Table 5 may be used to protect existing and designated uses, or criteria will be developed by the Department, as needed, in accordance with this chapter and § 16.61 (relating to special provisions for the Great Lakes System).



PP NOChemical NameCAS NumberFish and Aquatic Life Criteria
Criteria Continuous Concentrations (ug/L)Criteria Maximum Concentration (ug/L)Human Health Criteria (ug/L)
2MArsenic07440382*148 (As3+)*340 (As3+)N/A-
4MCadmium07440439 *{1.101672 -(ln[H]x0.041838)}x Exp(0.7852x ln[H]-2.715) (ex: @H=100, CCC=2.24)*{1.136672 -(ln[H]x0.041838)}x Exp(1.128x ln[H]-3.6867) (ex: @H=100, CMC=4.26)N/A-
5MChromium, III16065831 *0.860x Exp(0.819x ln[H]+0.6848)*0.316x Exp(0.819x ln[H]+3.7256) N/A-
(ex: @H=100, CCC=74) (ex: @H=100, CMC=570)
5MChromium, VI18540299 *10.56*15.73N/A-
6MCopper07440508 *0.960x Exp(0.8545x ln[H]-1.702) *(0.960x Exp(0.9422xln[H]-1.700)N/A
(ex: @H=100, CCC=8.96) (ex: @H=100, CMC=13.44)
8MMercury07439976 *0.77*1.440.0031H
9MNickel07440020 *0.997x Exp(0.846x ln[H]+0.0584*[0.998x Exp(0.846x ln[H]+2.255) N/AH
(ex: @H=100, CCC=52.01)(ex: @H=100, CMC=468.24)
10MSelenium07782492 *4.61N/AN/A-
13MZinc07440666 *0.986x Exp(0.8473x ln[H]+0.884)*0.978x Exp(0.8473x ln[H]+0.884) N/A
(ex: @H=100, CCC=118.14)(ex: @H=100, CMC=117.18)
14MCyanide, Free00057125 5.222600H
3A2,4-Dimethyl-phenol00105679 N/AN/A450H
5A2,4-Dinitro-phenol00051285 N/AN/A55H
9APentachlorophenol00087865 Exp(1.005 [pH]-5.134)Exp (1.005 [pH]-4.869) N/A-
@pH= 6.5 7.8 9.0 @pH = 6.5 7.8 9.0
Crit = 4.05 14.95 49.95Crit = 5.28 19.49 65.10
3VBenzene00071432 N/AN/A1.2CRL
7VChloro-benzene00108907 N/AN/A470H
22VMethylene Chloride00075092 N/AN/A4.7CRL
25VToluene00108883 N/AN/A5600H
29VTrichloro-ethylene00079016 N/AN/A2.9CRL
33BHexachloro-benzene00118741 N/AN/A0.000045CRL
36BHexachloro-ethane00067721 N/AN/A0.53CRL
4Pgamma-BHC (Lindane)00058899 N/A0.950.47H
6PChlordane00057749 N/AN/A0.000025CRL
7P4,4-DDT00050293 N/AN/A0.000015CRL
10PDieldrin00060571 0.0560.240.00000065CRL
14PEndrin00072208 0.0360.086N/A-
18PPCBsN/A N/A0.00000039CRL
25PToxaphene08001352 N/AN/A0.0000068CRL
PP2,3,7,8-TCDD01746016 N/AN/A8.6 E-10CRL
-Parathion00056382 0.0130.065N/A-

Acronyms and Footnotes to Table 6

* Indicates dissolved metal criterion; others are total recoverable metals. Each listed dissolved criterion in Table 6 is equal to the corresponding total recoverable criterion before rounding (from the EPA National Ambient Water Quality Criteria Documents) multiplied by the conversion factor (from the Conversion Factors Table); a criterion that is expressed as a hardness (H)-based equation is shown in Table 6 as the conversion factor (listed) multiplied by the hardness criterion equation; an example criterion at hardness=100mg/L is included.

CAS-Chemical Abstract Service number

CRL-Cancer risk level at 1 x 10-6

H-Threshold effect human health criterion; incorporates additional uncertainty factor for some Group C carcinogens.

ln [H]-Natural Logarithm of the Hardness of stream as mg/l CaCO3

ug/L-Micrograms per liter

N/A-Criterion not developed

PP NO-Priority Pollutant Number

(c)Wildlife criteria. Wildlife criteria will be developed for the bioaccumulative chemicals of concern (BCCs) in the Great Lakes System using methodologies contained in the Great Lakes guidance in 40 CFR Part 132, Appendix D (relating to Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative methodology for the development of wildlife criteria). The wildlife criteria are contained in the following table:



PP NOChemical NameCriterion (ug/L)
7-9PDDT & METABOLITES 0.000011
18-24PPCBs (TOTAL)0.00012
PP2,3,7,8-TCDD3.1 E-9

25 Pa. Code § 93.8e

The provisions of this § 93.8e adopted May 15, 2009, effective 5/16/2009, 39 Pa.B. 2523; amended July 10, 2020, effective 7/11/2020, 50 Pa.B. 3426.

The provisions of this § 93.8e amended under sections 5(b)(1) and 402 of The Clean Streams Law (35 P.S. §§ 691.5(b)(1) and 691.402); and section 1920-A of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P.S. § 510-20).

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code §61.51 (relating to human health and aquatic life criteria); 25 Pa. Code § 16.61 (relating to special provisions for the Great Lakes system); and 25 Pa. Code § 93.8c (relating to human health and aquatic life criteria for toxic substances).