25 Pa. Code § 93.9p

Current through Register Vol. 55, No. 1, January 4, 2025
Section 93.9p - Drainage List P

Ohio River Basin in Pennsylvania

Allegheny River

StreamZoneCountyWater Uses ProtectedExceptions To Specific Criteria
1-Ohio River
2-Allegheny River Basin, Source to Woodcock Creek McKean CWF None
3-Woodcock Creek Basin Potter HQ-CWF None
2-Allegheny River Basin, Woodcock Creek to UNT 58543 at 41°49'58.8"N; 77°53'51.9"W (locally known as Wambold Hollow) Potter CWF None
3-UNT 58543 (Wambold Hollow) Basin Potter HQ-CWF None
2-Allegheny River Basin, UNT 58543 to Dwight Creek Potter CWF None
3-Dwight Creek Basin Potter HQ-CWF None
2-Allegheny River Basin, Dwight Creek to Peet Brook Potter CWF None
3-Peet Brook Basin Potter HQ-CWF None
2-Allegheny River Basin, Peet Brook to Steer Run Potter CWF None
3-Steer Run Basin Potter HQ-CWF None
2-Allegheny River Basin, Steer Run to Mill Creek Potter CWF None
3-Mill Creek Basin, Source to North Hollow Potter HQ-CWF None
3-Mill Creek Basin, North Hollow to Mouth Potter CWF None
2-Allegheny River Basin, Mill Creek to Dingman Run Potter CWF None
3-Dingman Run Basin Potter HQ-CWF None
2-Allegheny River Basin, Dingman Run to Reed Run Potter CWF None
3-Reed Run Basin Potter HQ-CWF None
2-Allegheny River Basin, Reed Run to Laninger Creek Potter CWF None
3-Laninger Creek Basin Potter HQ-CWF None
2-Allegheny River Basin, Laninger Creek to Fishing Creek Potter CWF None
3-Fishing Creek Basin, Source to East Branch Fishing Creek Potter CWF None
4-East Branch Fishing Creek Basin Potter HQ-CWF None
3-Fishing Creek Basin, East Branch Fishing Creek to Mouth Potter CWF None
2-Allegheny River Basin, Fishing Creek to Allegheny Portage Creek Potter-McKean CWF None
3-Allegheny Portage Creek Main Stem, Source to UNT 58235 at 41°42' 18.6"N; 78°11' 43.6"W Potter TSF None
4-Tributaries to Allegheny Portage Creek Basins, Source to UNT 58235 (locally known as Brown Hollow) Potter CWF None
4-UNT 58235 Basin Potter HQ-CWF None
3-Allegheny Portage Creek Main Stem, UNT 58235 to Scaffold Lick Run McKean HQ-CWF None
4-Tributaries to Allegheny Portage Creek Basins, UNT 58235 to Fair Run Potter-McKean CWF None
4-Fair Run Basin McKean HQ-CWF None
4-Tributaries to Allegheny Portage Creek Basins, Fair Run to Scaffold Lick Run McKean CWF None
4-Scaffold Lick Run Basin McKean CWF None
3-Allegheny Portage Creek Main Stem, Scaffold Lick Run to Mouth McKean TSF None
4-Tributaries to Allegheny Portage Creek Basins, Scaffold Lick Run to Mouth McKean CWF None
2-Allegheny River Basin, Allegheny Portage Creek to Skinner Creek McKean CWF None
3-Skinner Creek Basin McKean HQ-CWF None
2-Allegheny River Basin, Skinner Creek to Potato Creek McKean CWF None
3-Potato Creek
4-East Branch Potato Creek Basin, Source to Confluence with Havens Run McKean HQ-CWF None
4-Havens Run Basin, Source to Confluence with East Branch McKean CWF None
3-Potato Creek Main Stem, Confluence of East Branch and Havens Run to Cole Creek McKean TSF None
4-Tributaries to Potato Creek Basins, Confluence of East Branch and Havens Run to West Branch Potato Creek McKean CWF None
4-West Branch Potato Creek Basin McKean HQ-CWF None
4-Tributaries to Potato Creek Basins, West Branch Potato Creek to Brewer Run McKean CWF None
4-Brewer Run Basin McKean HQ-CWF None
4-Tributaries to Potato Creek Basins, Brewer Run to Red Mill Brook McKean CWF None
4-Red Mill Brook Basin, Source to UNT 57891 at 41°42'42.7"N; 78°28'31.6"W (locally known as Wernwag Hollow) McKean CWF None
5-UNT 57891 Basin McKean HQ-CWF None
4-Red Mill Brook Basin, UNT 57891 to Mouth McKean CWF None
4-Tributaries to Potato Creek Basins, Red Mill Brook to Colegrove Brook McKean CWF None
4-Colegrove Brook Basin McKean HQ-CWF None
4-Tributaries to Potato Creek Basins, Colegrove Brook to Robbins Brook McKean CWF None
4-Robbins Brook Basin McKean HQ-CWF None
4-Tributaries to Potato Creek Basins, Robbins Brook to Boyer Brook McKean CWF None
4-Boyer Brook Basin McKean HQ-CWF None
4-Tributaries to Potato Creek Basins, Boyer Brook to Daly Brook McKean CWF None
4-Daly Brook Basin McKean HQ-CWF None
4-Tributaries to Potato Creek Basins, Daly Brook to Marvin Creek McKean CWF None
4-Marvin Creek Basin, Source to UNT 57809 at 41°41'43.1"N; 78°36'1.0"W (locally known as Sherman Run) McKean CWF None
5-UNT 57809 Basin McKean HQ-CWF None
4-Marvin Creek Basin, UNT 57809 to UNT 57801 at 41°42' 23.1"N; 78°35' 4.7"W (locally known as Santeen Run) McKean CWF None
5-UNT 57801 Basin McKean HQ-CWF None
4-Marvin Creek Basin, UNT 57801 to Warner Brook McKean CWF None
5-Warner Brook Basin McKean HQ-CWF None
4-Marvin Creek Basin, Warner Brook to Stanton Brook McKean CWF None
5-Stanton Brook Basin McKean HQ-CWF None
4-Marvin Creek Basin, Stanton Brook to Blacksmith Run McKean CWF None
5-Blacksmith Run Basin, Source to Smethport Water Intake McKean HQ-CWF None
5-Blacksmith Run Basin, Smethport Water Intake to UNT 57738 at 41°48'50.7"N; 78°28'18.1"W McKean CWF None
6-UNT 57738 Basin McKean HQ-CWF None
5-Blacksmith Run Basin, UNT 57738 to Mouth McKean CWF None
4-Marvin Creek Basin, Blacksmith Run to Mouth McKean CWF None
4-Tributaries to Potato Creek Basins, Marvin Creek to Cole Creek McKean CWF None
4-Cole Creek
5-South Branch Cole Creek Basin, Source to Confluence with North Branch McKean EV None
5-North Branch Cole Creek Basin, Source to Confluence with South Branch McKean CWF None
4-Cole Creek Basin, Confluence of North and South Branches to Mouth McKean CWF None
3-Potato Creek Main Stem, Cole Creek to Mouth McKean WWF None
4-Tributaries to Potato Creek Basins, Cole Creek to Mouth McKean CWF None
2-Allegheny River Basin (all sections in PA), Potato Creek to PA-NY State Border McKean CWF None
2-Allegheny River (NY)
3-Unnamed Tributaries to Allegheny River Basins (all sections in PA), PA-NY State Border to Tunungwant Creek McKean CWF None
3-Oswayo Creek Basin, Source to Hemlock Hollow Run Potter CWF None
4-Hemlock Hollow Run (locally known as Brizzee Hollow) Basin Potter HQ-CWF None
3-Oswayo Creek Basin, Hemlock Hollow Run to South Branch Oswayo Creek Potter HQ-CWF None
4-South Branch Oswayo Creek Basin Potter EV None
3-Oswayo Creek Basin, South Branch Oswayo Creek to Clara Creek Potter HQ-CWF None
4-Clara Creek Basin, Source to Bradley Run Potter CWF None
5-Bradley Run Basin Potter HQ-CWF None
4-Clara Creek Basin, Bradley Run to Mouth Potter CWF None
3-Oswayo Creek Basin, Clara Creek to Elevenmile Creek Potter CWF None
4-Elevenmile Creek Basin Potter HQ-CWF None
3-Oswayo Creek Basin, Elevenmile Creek to Cow Run Potter CWF None
4-Cow Run Basin Potter HQ-CWF None
3-Oswayo Creek Basin, Cow Run to Honeoye Creek Potter CWF None
4-Honeoye Creek (NY)
5-Tributaries to Honeoye Creek Basins (all sections in PA), Source to PA-NY State Border at 41° 59' 58.2" N; 78° 1' 53.1" W Potter CWF None
4-Honeoye Creek Basin (all sections in PA), PA-NY State Border at 42° 0' 1.1" N; 78° 6' 34.4" W to Butter Creek Potter CWF None
5-Butter Creek Basin Potter HQ-CWF None
4-Honeoye Creek Basin (all sections in PA), Butter Creek to Mouth Potter CWF None
3-Oswayo Creek Main Stem, Honeoye Creek to PA-NY State Border at 41° 59' 57.7" N; 78° 18' 9.2" W McKean WWF None
4-Tributaries to Oswayo Creek Basins (all sections in PA), Honeoye Creek to Janders Run Potter-McKean CWF None
4-Janders Run Basin McKean-Potter HQ-CWF None
4-Tributaries to Oswayo Creek Basins (all sections in PA), Janders Run to Bell Run Potter-McKean CWF None
4-Bell Run Basin, Source to Taylor Brook McKean CWF None
5-Taylor Brook Basin McKean HQ-CWF None
4-Bell Run Basin, Taylor Brook to Mouth McKean CWF None
4-Tributaries to Oswayo Creek Basins (all sections in PA), Bell Run to Mouth Potter-McKean CWF None
3-Oswayo Creek (NY)
4-Tributaries to Oswayo Creek Basins (all sections in PA), PA-NY State Border at 41° 59' 57.7" N; 78° 18' 9.2" W to Mouth McKean CWF None
3-Tunungwant Creek
4-East Branch Tunungwant Creek Basin, Source to Railroad Run McKean HQ-CWF None
5-Railroad Run Basin McKean EV None
4-East Branch Tunungwant Creek Basin, Railroad Run to T-331 Bridge at 41° 53' 10.3" N; 78° 39' 18.1" W McKean HQ-CWF None
4-East Branch Tunungwant Creek Main Stem, T-331 Bridge to SR 4002 Bridge at 41° 55' 46.1" N; 78° 38' 51.3" W McKean HQ-CWF None
5-Tributaries to East Branch Tunungwant Creek Basins, T-331 Bridge to Minard Run McKean CWF None
5-Minard Run Basin McKean EV None
5-Tributaries to East Branch Tunungwant Creek Basins, Minard Run to SR 4002 McKean CWF None
4-East Branch Tunungwant Creek Basin, SR 4002 to Confluence with West Branch McKean CWF None
4-West Branch Tunungwant Creek Basin, Source to Marilla Brook McKean HQ-CWF None
5-Marilla Brook Basin, Source to Bradford Water Dam McKean HQ-CWF None
5-Marilla Brook Basin, Bradford Water Dam to Gilbert Brook McKean CWF None
6-Gilbert Brook Basin McKean HQ-CWF None
5-Marilla Brook Basin, Gilbert Brook to Mouth McKean CWF None
4-West Branch Tunungwant Creek Basin, Marilla Brook to Confluence with East Branch McKean CWF None
3-Tunungwant Creek Main Stem, Confluence of East and West Branches to PA-NY State Border at 41°59' 59.1"N; 78°37' 21.7"W McKean WWF None
4-Tributaries to Tunungwant Creek Basins (all sections in PA), Confluence of East and West Branches to Kendall Creek McKean CWF None
4-Kendall Creek Basin McKean WWF None
4-Tributaries to Tunungwant Creek Basins (all sections in PA), Kendall Creek to PA-NY State Border McKean CWF None
3-Tunungwant Creek (NY)
4-Tributaries to Tunungwant Creek Basins (all sections in PA) PA-NY State Border to Mouth McKean CWF None

25 Pa. Code § 93.9p

The provisions of this § 93.9p adopted March 6, 1992, effective 3/7/1992, 22 Pa.B. 1037; amended July 17, 1992, effective 7/18/1992, 22 Pa.B. 3741; amended November 8, 1996, effective 11/9/1996, 26 Pa.B. 5370; amended June 27, 1997, effective 6/28/1997, 27 Pa.B. 3050; amended September 4, 1998, effective 9/5/1998, 28 Pa.B. 4510; amended June 16, 2000, effective 6/17/2000, 30 Pa.B. 3036; amended November 17, 2000, effective 11/18/2000, 30 Pa.B. 6059; amended May 31, 2002, effective 6/1/2002, 32 Pa.B. 2691; amended September 27, 2002, effective 9/28/2002, 32 Pa.B. 4695; amended April 2, 2010, effective 4/3/2010, 40 Pa.B. 1734; amended November 17, 2017, effective 11/18/2017, 47 Pa.B. 7029; amended July 10, 2020, effective 7/11/2020, 50 Pa.B. 3426; amended July 9, 2021, effective 7/10/2021, 51 Pa.B. 3733.

The provisions of this § 93.9p amended under sections 5(b)(1) and 402 of The Clean Streams Law (35 P.S. §§ 691.5(b)(1) and 691.402); and section 1920-A of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P.S. § 510-20).

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 93.1 (relating to definitions); 25 Pa. Code § 93.4 (relating to Statewide water uses); 25 Pa. Code § 93.7 (relating to specific water quality criteria); and 25 Pa. Code § 93.9 (relating to designated water uses and water quality criteria).