25 Pa. Code § 92a.54

Current through Register Vol. 55, No. 1, January 4, 2025
Section 92a.54 - General permits
(a)Coverage and purpose. The Department may issue a general permit, in lieu of issuing individual permits, for a clearly and specifically described category of point source discharges, if the point sources meet the following conditions:
(1) Involve the same, or substantially similar, types of operations.
(2) Discharge the same types of wastes.
(3) Require the same effluent limitations or operating conditions, or both.
(4) Require the same or similar monitoring.
(5) Do not discharge toxic or hazardous pollutants as defined in sections 307 and 311 of the Federal Act (33 U.S.C.A. §§ 1317 and 1321) or any other substance that-because of its quantity; concentration; or physical, chemical or infectious characteristics-may cause or contribute to an increase in mortality or morbidity in either an individual or the total population, or pose a substantial present or future hazard to human health or the environment when discharged into surface waters.
(6) Are more appropriately controlled under a general permit than under individual permits, in the opinion of the Department.
(7) Individually and cumulatively do not have the potential to cause or contribute to a violation of an applicable water quality standard established under Chapter 93 (relating to water quality standards) or cause significant adverse environmental impact.
(8) Do not discharge to a surface water classified as a High Quality Water or an Exceptional Value Water under Chapter 93.
(b)Administration of general permits. General permits may be issued, amended, suspended, revoked, reissued or terminated under this chapter. Issuance of a general permit does not exempt a person from compliance with this title. General permits have a fixed term not to exceed 5 years.
(c)Department specification . The Department may specify in the general permit that an eligible person who has submitted a timely and complete NOI is authorized to discharge in accordance with the terms of the permit under one of the following:
(1) Immediately upon submission of the NOI.
(2) After a waiting period following receipt of the NOI by the Department as specified in the general permit.
(3) Upon receipt of notification of approval of coverage under a general permit from the Department.
(d)Department notification. The Department will, as applicable, notify a discharger that it is or is not covered by a general permit. A discharger so notified may request an individual permit.
(e)Denial of coverage. The Department will deny coverage under a general permit when one or more of the following conditions exist:
(1) The discharge, individually or in combination with other similar discharges, is or has the potential to be a contributor of pollution, as defined in the State Act, which is more appropriately controlled under an individual permit.
(2) The discharger is not, or will not be, in compliance with any one or more of the conditions of the general permit.
(3) The applicant has failed and continues to fail to comply or has shown a lack of ability or intention to comply with a regulation, permit, schedule of compliance or order issued by the Department.
(4) A change has occurred in the availability of demonstrated technology or practices for the control or abatement of pollutants applicable to the point source.
(5) Categorical point source effluent limitations are promulgated by the EPA for those point sources covered by the general permit.
(6) The discharge is not, or will not, result in compliance with an applicable effluent limitation or water quality standard.
(7) Other point sources at the facility require issuance of an individual permit, and issuance of both an individual and a general permit for the facility would constitute an undue administrative burden on the Department.
(8) The Department determines that the action is necessary for any other reason to ensure compliance with the Federal Act, the State Act or this title.
(9) The discharge would be to a surface water classified as a High Quality Water or an Exceptional Value Water under Chapter 93.
(f)Requiring an individual permit. The Department may revoke or terminate coverage under a general permit, and require the point source discharger to apply for and obtain an individual permit for any of the reasons in subsection (e). An interested person may petition the Department to take action under this subsection. Upon notification by the Department under this subsection that an individual permit is required for a point source, the discharger shall submit a complete NPDES application, in conformance with this chapter, within 90 days of receipt of the notification, unless the discharger is already in possession of a valid individual permit. Failure to submit the application within 90 days will result in automatic termination of coverage of the applicable point sources under the general permit. Timely submission of a complete application will result in continuation of coverage of the applicable point sources under the general permit, until the Department takes final action on the pending individual permit application.
(g)Action of the Department. Action of the Department denying coverage under a general permit under subsection (e), or requiring an individual permit under subsection (f), is not a final action of the Department until the discharger submits and the Department takes final action on an individual permit application.
(h)Termination of general permit. When an individual permit is issued for a point source that is covered under a general permit, the applicability of the general permit to that point source is automatically terminated on the effective date of the individual permit.
(i)Coverage under general permit. A point source excluded from a general permit solely because it already has an individual permit may submit an NOI under § 92a.23 (relating to NOI for coverage under an NPDES general permit). If the NOI is acceptable, the Department will revoke the individual permit and notify the source that it is covered under the general permit.

25 Pa. Code § 92a.54

This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 92a.2 (relating to definitions); and 25 Pa. Code § 92a.23 (relating to NOI for coverage under an NPDES general permit).