(a) If, because of an accident or other activity or incident, a toxic substance or another substance which would endanger downstream users of the waters of this Commonwealth, would otherwise result in pollution or create a danger of pollution of the waters, or would damage property, is discharged into these waters-including sewers, drains, ditches or other channels of conveyance into the waters-or is placed so that it might discharge, flow, be washed or fall into them, it is the responsibility of the person at the time in charge of the substance or owning or in possession of the premises, facility, vehicle or vessel from or on which the substance is discharged or placed to immediately notify the Department by telephone of the location and nature of the danger and, if reasonably possible to do so, to notify known downstream users of the waters.(b) In addition to the notices in subsection (a), a person shall immediately take or cause to be taken steps necessary to prevent injury to property and downstream users of the waters from pollution or a danger of pollution and, in addition thereto, within 15 days from the incident, shall remove from the ground and from the affected waters of this Commonwealth to the extent required by this title the residual substances contained thereon or therein.(c) Compliance with this section does not affect the civil or criminal liability to which the person or municipality may be subject as a result of an activity or incident under the act, 30 Pa.C.S. (relating to the Fish and Boat Code) or another statute, ordinance or regulation.The provisions of this § 91.33 adopted September 2, 1971, effective 9/3/1971, 1 Pa.B. 1804; amended November 4, 1977, effective 11/21/1977, 7 Pa.B. 3259; amended January 28, 2000, effective 1/29/2000, 30 Pa.B. 521.The provisions of this § 91.33 amended under section 5 of The Clean Streams Law (35 P. S. § 691.5); and section 1920-A of The Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P. S. § 510-20).
This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 78.66 (relating to reporting releases); 25 Pa. Code § 78a.66 (relating to reporting and remediating spills and releases); 25 Pa. Code § 83.312 (relating to site specific emergency response plans); 25 Pa. Code § 83.351 (relating to minimum standards for the design, construction, location, operation, maintenance and removal from service of manure storage facilities); and 25 Pa. Code § 92a.41 (relating to conditions applicable to all permits).