During and after earthmoving or soil disturbing activities, including the activities related to siting, drilling, completing, producing, servicing and plugging the well, constructing, utilizing and restoring the access road and restoring the site, the operator shall design, implement and maintain best management practices in accordance with Chapter 102 (relating to erosion and sediment control) and an erosion and sediment control plan prepared under that chapter. Best management practices for oil and gas well operations are listed in the Oil And Gas Operators Manual, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Environmental Protection, Guidance No. 550-0300-001 (April 1997), as amended and updated.
25 Pa. Code § 78.53
This section cited in 25 Pa. Code § 78.18 (relating to disposal and enhanced recovery well permits); 25 Pa. Code § 78.57 (relating to control, storage and disposal of production fluids); 25 Pa. Code § 78.60 (relating to discharge requirements); 25 Pa. Code § 78.61 (relating to disposal of drill cuttings); 25 Pa. Code § 78.62 (relating to disposal of residual waste-pits); and 25 Pa. Code § 78.63 (relating to disposal of residual waste-land application).