22 Pa. Code § 339.1a

Current through Register Vol. 55, No. 1, January 4, 2025
Section 339.1a - Definitions
(a) The definitions in § 4.3 (relating to definitions) apply to this chapter.
(b) The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

Articulation-A planned process of curriculum development, instructional strategies and administrative procedures, which link educational agencies with other education agencies or with industries. The linkage helps students make a transition from a school entity to another school entity, college or university or a business/industry without experiencing delays in or duplication of learning.

Attendance area-A geographical area of school districts and pupils to be served by an AVTS or TI which has been approved by the State Board for Vocational Education. (See section 1840.1 of the School Code (24 P. S. § 18-1840.1).)

CIP Codes-Classification of Instructional Programs-A numerical coding of instructional programs developed by the United States Department of Education used to identify vocational programs.

CTSOs-Career and Technical Student Organizations-In-school organizations that provide personal and leadership development related to a career and technical program area as recognized by the United States Department of Education. (See § 339.30 (relating to student organizations).)

Concentrator-A student who is at least 14 years of age and is enrolled full time in an approved career and technical education program that meets the requirements of this chapter.

Diversified occupations program-A planned vocational program, which may be offered at either the AVTS or a comprehensive high school. The program prepares students from more than one vocational education area of instruction for gainful employment. The program is a partnership between a local business and industry and the school entity. A full range of career competencies are developed at the job training station site. The school, in a classroom setting, provides related academic and technical instruction, including safety.

High-priority occupation-An occupation as defined by the Center for Workforce Information and Analysis within the Department of Labor and Industry, or another occupation determined to meet regional workforce needs as documented through collaboration between the school entity or TI and one or more employers and approved by the Department.

IEP-Individualized Education Program under Chapter 14 (relating to special education services and programs).

Industry standards-Standards established by State or National trade or professional organizations or State or Federal regulatory bodies accepted by the Department that describe what learners should know and be able to do and describe how well learners should know or be able to perform a task in a specific occupation.

Local plan-A plan submitted by a school entity and approved by the Department in accordance with the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 ( 20 U.S.C. §§ 2301 - 2471), or its successor.

Out-of-school youth-Persons 16 years of age or older who have left full-time school without receiving a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent.

Pennsylvania skills certificate-A certificate provided by the Department to recognize vocational and technical education students who have achieved a score of advanced on occupational end-of-program assessments in their chosen technical area.

Program accrediting authority-A regional or National industry-recognized agency or organization that certifies that a program meets education or training standards specific to the industry.

Registered apprenticeship-A training plan registered with the Apprenticeship and Training Council of the Commonwealth (Council) and evidenced by a Certificate of Registration or other appropriate document as meeting the apprenticeship standards of the Council.

State plan-A plan submitted by the Department and approved by the Federal Government in accordance with the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 ( 20 U.S.C. §§ 2301 - 2471), or its successor.

TI-Technical institute-An institute established, maintained, conducted and operated for the purpose of offering nondegree-granting post high school programs and courses of not more than 2 years' duration, which prepare out-of-school youth and adults for technical areas leading to technical certificates. (See section 1841 of the School Code (24 P. S. § 18-1841 regarding establishment of schools).)

TI Board-An existing area vocational-technical board, or several area vocational-technical boards, that agree to provide for, establish, maintain, conduct and operate a TI.

22 Pa. Code § 339.1a