Office signs, stationery, telephone listings or print advertisements related to a limited purpose banking office established under §§ 13.61-13.65, 13.67, 13.68 and this section shall clearly indicate that the office is a representative type of office and is not a branch of the banking institution.
10 Pa. Code § 13.66
This section cited in 10 Pa. Code § 13.61 (relating to definitions); 10 Pa. Code § 13.62 (relating to application); 10 Pa. Code § 13.63 (relating to permissible activities); 10 Pa. Code § 13.65 (relating to information required); 10 Pa. Code § 13.66 (relating to designation as a limited purpose banking office); and 10 Pa. Code § 13.67 (relating to authority of the Department).