Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 918-200-0095 - Inspectors, Files and Information(1) Scope. This rule establishes the minimum standards for inspectors, for communication between manufacturers, operators and inspectors, and the required retention of information.(2) To be qualified to inspect amusement rides in Oregon, inspectors shall have: (a) Two years experience with an insurance company as an amusement ride inspector;(b) Two years experience inspecting amusement rides inspecting amusement ride codes while employed by a state or governmental body regulating amusement rides;(c) Five years field operating and maintenance experience with amusement rides and devices, including responsibility for erection, assembly, disassembly; personnel supervision responsibility for erection, maintenance and operating functions;(d) Ten years documented practical experience in the design, construction, maintenance, repair, field inspection, and operation of amusement rides and devices as an authorized representative of a recognized manufacturer; or(e) An equivalent combination of training and experience.(3) Every inspector shall annually attend at least eight hours of continuing education related to amusement rides and devices sponsored by the Amusement Industry Manufacturers and Suppliers or its equivalent. All experience and schooling shall be documented and available to the Division upon request.(4) Manufacturers' Registries. Manufacturers shall, insofar as reasonably practical, maintain registries of persons in the State of Oregon who have need for information on the amusement rides and devices which they manufacture: (a) Operator Registry. This registry shall contain names of all persons known to the manufacturer to operate the manufacturer's products within Oregon;(b) Other Than Operator Registry. This registry shall contain names of all persons within this state who have notified the manufacturer of their legitimate need for information on the manufacturer's products;(c) Manufacturers may periodically request, via ordinary U.S. mail, that persons on the registries confirm the need for the new information. A manufacturer may remove from the mailing list the names of persons who fail to respond within 60 days;(d) Ride manufacturers shall notify registrants of all new information relevant to the proper maintenance, operation and inspection of the amusement rides and devices they manufacture.(5) Ride Files. Operator shall maintain a file for each ride. Records should be kept at least five years, except as otherwise specifically stated in statute or rule. The file shall include; (a) Record of required permit inspections; and(b) Correspondence related to the manufacturer, including: (A) Bulletins and other manufacturing information; and(B) Records indicating modifications recommended by the manufacturer were made.(c) The operating instructions;(d) All technical information supplied by the manufacturer; and(6) Such other information as required by these rules.Or. Admin. Code § 918-200-0095
DC 13-1982, f. 4-21-82, ef. 4-30-82; Renumbered from 814-060-0500; BCD 10-1994, f. 4-25-94, cert. ef. 5-1-94; BCD 15-1998, f. 9-30-98, cert. ef. 1-1-99Stat. Auth.: ORS 460.355
Stats. Implemented: ORS 460.355