Or. Admin. R. 863-014-0063

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 9, September 1, 2024
Section 863-014-0063 - Real Estate License Transfers, Principal Brokers' Responsibilities, Authority to Use Registered Business Name
(1) As used in this rule:
(a) "Authorized licensee" means a principal broker who has authority and is responsible for a registered business name;
(b) "License transfer application" means a completed and signed online application that does one of the following:
(A) Transfers a real estate broker license to a receiving principal broker in order to become associated with the receiving principal broker, or
(B) Authorizes a real estate licensee to use a registered business name to conduct professional real estate activity.
(c) "Sending principal broker" means the authorized licensee or principal broker with whom an active real estate broker is associated before the license transfer;
(d) "Receiving principal broker" means the authorized licensee or principal broker with whom an active real estate broker will be associated after the license transfer.
(2) An online license transfer application, available through the Agency's website, includes:
(a) The name of the licensee, email address and license number of the licensee who is being transferred;
(b) The receiving broker's or authorized licensee's name, license number, date, signature, and attestation or the authorized use of the registered business name.
(3) A principal real estate broker with whom a licensee is associated remains responsible for the licensee's professional real estate activity until the Agency receives one of the following:
(a) An online inactivation application available through the Agency's website; or
(b) An online license transfer form and fee.
(4) If a principal real estate broker with whom a real estate broker is associated, or an individual real estate broker, doesn't complete the online inactivation process, the principal real estate broker remains responsible for the licensee's subsequent professional real estate activity until the Agency receives one of the following:
(a) An online inactivation application; or
(b) An online license transfer application and fee.
(5) The Agency will document the registered business name under which a real estate licensee is authorized to conduct professional real estate activity when the Agency receives an online license transfer application and the transfer fee authorized by ORS 696.270.

Or. Admin. R. 863-014-0063

REA 4-2007, f. & cert. ef. 9-26-07; Renumbered from 863-015-0063, REA 5-2008, f. 12-15-08, cert. ef. 1-1-09; REA 1-2009, f. 12-15-09, cert. ef. 1-1-10; REA 3-2011(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 6-22-11 thru 12-1-11; REA 6-2011, f. 8-15-11, cert. ef. 9-1-11; REA 7-2011, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-11; REA 4-2014, f. 4-14-14, cert. ef. 4-28-14

Stat. Auth.: ORS 696.385

Stats. Implemented: ORS 696.020 & 696.022