Or. Admin. Code § 863-014-0050

Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 863-014-0050 - License Renewal
(1) A licensee may only submit a license renewal application and pay the fee using an online application process, which will be available through the Agency's website.
(2) For purposes of this rule, "received by the Agency" means the date a licensee completed the online renewal process and paid the fee required under ORS 696.270.
(3) A real estate broker or principal broker license expires if a licensee fails to renew the license on or before the license expiration date. A real estate licensee may not engage in any professional real estate activity after a license expires. A real estate licensee may renew an expired license as provided in this rule.
(4) The Agency will renew an active real estate license to active status for the term prescribed in OAR 863-014-0030 when the Agency has received the following:
(a) The renewal fee authorized by ORS 696.270; and
(b) An active renewal application that includes certification by the licensee that the licensee has met the continuing education renewal requirements under section OAR 863-020-0010.
(5) The Agency will renew an active real estate license to inactive status for the term prescribed in OAR 863-014-0030, when the Agency has received the following:
(a) The renewal fee authorized by ORS 696.270; and
(b) An inactive renewal application.
(6) The Agency will renew an inactive real estate license to inactive status for the term prescribed in OAR 863-014-0030, when the Agency has received the following:
(a) The renewal fee authorized by ORS 696.270; and
(b) An inactive renewal application.
(7) The Agency will renew an inactive real estate license to active status for the term prescribed in OAR 863-014-0030, when the Agency has received the following:
(a) The renewal fee authorized by ORS 696.270; and
(b) An Agency-approved active renewal application form that includes certification by the licensee that the licensee has met the real estate continuing education renewal requirements under OAR 863-020-0010.
(8) The Agency will renew an expired real estate license to active status when the Agency receives, within one year of the date the license expired, the following:
(a) The renewal fee and a late fee authorized by ORS 696.270; and
(b) An Agency-approved active renewal application form that includes certification by the licensee that the licensee met the real estate continuing education renewal requirements under OAR 863-020-0010.
(9) The Agency will renew an expired real estate license to inactive license status when the Agency receives, within one year of the date the license expired, the following:
(a) The renewal fee and a late fee authorized by ORS 696.270; and
(b) An Agency-approved inactive renewal application form.
(10) When the Agency renews an expired license, the renewed license is effective the date the renewal requirements are met. The renewal is not retroactive to the date the license expired and an expired license retains the status of expired during the expiration period.
(11) A license renewed under this rule expires two years from the date of the original expiration date.
(12) A real estate license that has expired for more than one year is lapsed, as defined in ORS 696.010.
(13) A license may not be renewed if it is lapsed, surrendered, suspended, or revoked. Except as provided in 863-014-0075, the former licensee must reapply and meet all the licensing qualifications required of new license applicants.

Or. Admin. Code § 863-014-0050

REA 1-2002, f. 5-31-02, cert. ef. 7-1-02; REA 3-2004, f. 4-28-04 cert. ef. 5-3-04; REA 1-2005, f. 5-5-05, cert. ef. 5-6-05; REA 2-2007(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 3-21-07 thru 9-16-07; REA 4-2007, f. & cert. ef. 9-26-07; Renumbered from 863-015-0050, REA 5-2008, f. 12-15-08, cert. ef. 1-1-09; REA 1-2010, f. 6-14-10, cert. ef. 7-1-10; REA 3-2011(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 6-22-11 thru 12-1-11; REA 6-2011, f. 8-15-11, cert. ef. 9-1-11; REA 7-2011, f. & cert. ef. 11-15-11; REA 4-2014, f. 4-14-14, cert. ef. 4-28-14

Stat. Auth.: ORS 696.385

Stats. Implemented: ORS 696.020 & 696.022