Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 856-016-0001 - Continuing Professional Development & Safety Training(1) All applicants for renewal of an unlimited license shall complete of a minimum of ten (10) days of continuing professional development training, as provided in paragraphs (a) and (b) below. Certifications of this training shall be effective for sixty-three (63) months from the date of completion. (a) Each pilot shall satisfactorily complete a five (5) day manned model course at a Board approved manned model facility.(b) Each pilot shall satisfactorily complete an additional five (5) days of course work, at least one day of which must be Bridge Resources Management for Pilots. All courses must be conducted at an accredited college, maritime academy, U.S. Coast Guard approved training facility or conducted by an expert in a field related to the subject matter of the course. All courses must cover one or more subject matter topics approved by the Board in advance of the course being taken. The Board shall maintain a list of approved topics, which may include, but are not limited to:(A) Emergency Shiphandling for Pilots,(B) Advanced Electronic Navigation Systems,(C) Azipod Controls and Operations with Azipods,(D) Fatigue, Sleep and Medications for Pilots,(E) Legal Aspects of Pilotage, including State Statutes and Regulations for Pilots,(F) Maritime Domain Awareness and Security for Pilots,(G) Crisis Management and Media Response,(H) Pilot Self-Assessment Simulation,(I) Advanced Shiphandling Simulation,(J) Operation with Tugs for Pilots,(K) Radar Observer (credit limited to one day per reporting period),(L) Bridge Resources Management for Pilots,(2) In addition to satisfying the requirements set forth above, each pilot holding an unlimited license shall complete a minimum of one day of personal safety training during the 12-month period preceding the expiration date of their license. The Board shall maintain a list of pre-approved training, which may include, but are not limited to: (g) STCW - Basic Safety Training.(3) Each pilot shall submit with every license renewal application, documentation of all requirements from paragraphs (1) and (2) of this rule, which were obtained by that pilot subsequent to the pilot's most recent, prior renewal application or, for pilots submitting a first renewal application, obtained subsequent to being granted initial licensure. The documentation shall be submitted in a format approved by the Board.(4) A pilot who is unable to complete the continued professional development requirements within the time allowed due to unexpected, emergency circumstances may request in writing a temporary waiver and the Board may, upon good cause shown, permit a license renewal for one year without the requirements being met, provided that all required professional development courses that were waived temporarily are completed by the applicant at the time application for renewal is made the following year. An application for renewal the following year shall be refused if the continuing professional development requirements temporarily waived have not been completed. (5) National and State-Wide Emergencies. The Board may, upon its own motion, renew a license for one or more pilots who have not obtained all the continuing professional development requirements in sections (1) and (2) of this rule if: (a) The Board determines a national or state-wide emergency existed during the year leading up to license renewal, which made continuing professional development courses unavailable or impracticable; and(b) A pilot who receives this temporary waiver must complete all professional development requirements waived within 18 months of the temporary waiver being granted. Application for renewal 18 months or later after the temporary waiver was granted shall be refused if the continuing professional development requirements temporarily waived have not been completed. Or. Admin. Code § 856-016-0001
BMP 1-2010, f. & cert. ef. 4-27-10; BMP 7-2011, f. 12-29-11, cert. ef. 12-30-11; BMP 6-2016, f. & cert. ef. 8-23-16; BMP 4-2018, renumbered from 856-010-0027, filed 04/25/2018, effective 04/25/2018; BMP 2-2020, temporary amend filed 03/20/2020, effective 3/20/2020through 9/15/2020; BMP 7-2020, temporary amend filed 09/16/2020, effective 9/16/2020 through 3/14/2021; BMP 9-2020, amend filed 12/11/2020, effective 12/11/2020; BMP 1-2022, amend filed 05/13/2022, effective 5/13/2022Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 670 & ORS 776
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 776.115 & ORS 670.310