Or. Admin. R. 839-003-0070

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 6, June 1, 2024
Section 839-003-0070 - Settlement Process After Substantial Evidence Determination
(1) This section does not apply to housing discrimination complaints under ORS 659A.145 or 659A.421 or the federal Fair Housing Act ( 42 U.S.C. 3601 - 3614a). The settlement process after a substantial evidence determination in housing discrimination complaints is addressed in OAR 839-003-0225.
(2) If the division finds substantial evidence of unlawful practices, the division may seek to eliminate the effects of the unlawful discriminatory act(s) by conference, settlement and persuasion. The division will facilitate settlement negotiations between the aggrieved person and respondent as provided in OAR 839-003-0055.
(3) If no settlement agreement is reached in the period of time set aside for settlement after a substantial evidence determination, the division retains the discretion to further negotiate settlement, administratively dismiss the complaint, or proceed to a contested case hearing.
(4) The aggrieved person may withdraw the aggrieved person's own complaint at any time.

Or. Admin. R. 839-003-0070

BL 7-1981, f. & ef. 6-25-81; BL 4-1996, f. & cert. ef. 3-12-96; BLI 11-2000, f. & cert. ef. 3-24-00; BLI 10-2002, f. & cert. ef. 5-17-02; BLI 7-2008(Temp), f. 3-20-08, cert. ef. 3-25-08 thru 9-21-08; Administrative correction 10-21-08; BLI 40-2008(Temp), f. 11-10-08, cert. ef. 11-12-08 thru 5-1-09; BLI 43-2008, f. 12-3-08, cert. ef. 12-5-08; BLI 9-2015, f. & cert. ef. 6/29/2015; BLI 10-2016, f. & cert. ef. 11/8/2016

Stat. Auth.: ORS 659A.805

Stats. Implemented: ORS 659A.835 & 659A.840