Or. Admin. Code § 812-020-0083

Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 812-020-0083 - Inactive Status During the License Period or Upon Renewal - Continuing Education for Commercial Contractors
(1) If a contractor is inactive at the time of renewal and seeks to renew in active status, the contractor must complete all commercial continuing education required under OAR 812-020-0065 and 812-020-0070. The contractor may satisfy the requirement by commercial continuing education completed during the inactive period.
(2) If a contractor is inactive at the time of renewal and seeks to renew in inactive status, the contractor is not required to complete commercial continuing education required under OAR 812-020-0065 and 812-020-0070.
(3) If a contractor is active at the time of renewal and seeks to renew in inactive status, the contractor is not required to complete the commercial continuing education requirements under OAR 812-020-0065 and 812-020-0070.
(4) Notwithstanding section (3), if an inactive contractor renews to inactive status and seeks to change to active status during the two-year licensing period, the contractor must complete commercial continuing education required in OAR 812-020-0065 and 812-020-0070. The contractor may satisfy the requirement by commercial continuing education completed during the inactive period.
(5) Hours completed and credited towards one renewal may not be included for contractor's next renewal.

Or. Admin. Code § 812-020-0083

CCB 1-2017, f. 6-28-17, cert. ef. 7/1/2017

Stat. Auth.: ORS 670.310, 701.086 & 701.235

Stats. Implemented: ORS 701.086