Or. Admin. Code § 736-060-0000

Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 736-060-0000 - Purpose
(1) These rules, promulgated in accordance with ORS 537.332 to 537.360, set the policy, procedures, standards, methodology, and definitions for instream water right applications made by the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Department to the Water Resources Department, for the protection of recreational values and scenic attraction.
(2) These rules set out: The methodology for determining flow requirements and water surface elevations for recreational use(s) and scenic attraction, the standard for setting the priority for processing instream water right proposals, the internal procedures for application for and coordination of instream water rights, and the process for assisting with transfers of regular water rights to instream water rights.

Or. Admin. Code § 736-060-0000

PR 5-1991, f. & cert. ef. 5-17-91

Stat. Auth.: ORS 183.335(7), ORS 183.341 & ORS 537.332 - ORS 537.360

Stats. Implemented: ORS 390.124, ORS 537.336 & ORS 537.338