Or. Admin. R. 734-082-0070

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 9, September 1, 2024
Section 734-082-0070 - General Permit Provisions
(1) Posted Load Limits: Notwithstanding the weights or dimensions allowed under a permit, the posting of any highway or structure to reduce weights or dimensions will modify the limits allowed under the permit.
(2) Impaired Clearance: Full responsibility for determining adequate clearance, both vertical and horizontal is hereby imposed upon the permittee and the driver of equipment having a width and/or height in excess of the legal limit. When the vertical or horizontal clearance of any bridge or structure is impaired to the extent that full two-way traffic cannot be maintained, the permittee must provide a pilot vehicle for the purpose of preventing approaching vehicles from entering the bridge or structure while it is impaired by the movement covered by this permit.
(3) Spacing Interval: Two or more vehicles required to display warning signs must maintain a distance of one-half mile between combinations traveling in the same direction, except when overtaking or passing or in areas where increased traffic congestion is encountered, where traffic is controlled by signals, or where other conditions may so require. All slow-moving lanes and turn-outs must be used to allow following traffic to pass.
(4) Bond - Highway Damage: Permittee will be held responsible and liable for any and all damage to, or destruction of any highway or any highway structure occasioned by the movement over said highways, and hereby agrees to reimburse the Department of Transportation (Department) for the cost or expense of repairing or restoring any highway structure damaged, or destroyed; such reimbursement to be made by the permittee within ten days after being billed for the same by the Department. When requested to do so, permittee must furnish the State either a certified check or a surety bond, in any amount to be specified by the Department to guarantee the payment of claim for damages which may result from movement of an unusually large or heavy nature.
(5) Insurance: Permittee will also be held responsible and liable for any and all injury to persons or damage to property resulting from the movement on said highways, and will indemnify and hold harmless the State of Oregon, and Oregon Transportation Commission, its members, officers, and employees, jointly and severally, from liability in the event that such injury or damage may occur. In this connection, the granting authority may require the permittee to furnish to the Department evidence of satisfactory public liability and property damage insurance, in amounts as may be required by the Commission, and evidence of satisfactory indemnity insurance indemnifying the State of Oregon and its Transportation Commission, its members, officers, and employees, jointly or severally against liability in the event of any injury or accident occurring by reason of said permittee's operations on a state highway. This permit will automatically terminate, and be of no force and effect in the event that any insurance filed under this provision is canceled or is allowed to lapse.
(6) County Roads and City Streets: This permit does not authorize operations over county roads or city streets unless specifically noted. To operate over a county road a permit must be obtained from the county authority having jurisdiction over the road; likewise, to operate over a city street other than a state highway route, a permit must be obtained from the proper city authority.
(7) Cancellation: This permit may be canceled at any time by the granting authority upon proof satisfactory to it that the permittee has violated any of the terms of the permit, or that the permit was obtained through misrepresentation in the application therefor, or when in the judgment of the granting authority the public interest requires cancellation (ORS 818.220).
(8) Rear-view Mirrors: Vehicles or combinations of vehicles towing or transporting over-width vehicles, machines or loads under authority of this permit must be equipped with rear-view mirrors capable of affording the operator a view to the rear of the vehicle and/or combination of vehicles. Such mirrors may exceed width authorized herein by five inches on either side, but must be retracted to legal width when vehicle or combination of vehicles and/or load is of legal width.
(9) It is the responsibility of the motor carrier to notify the Over-Dimension Permit Unit in the event of striking a structure in the course of a movement. In addition to any other notification required by law, within 24 hours of striking a structure, the motor carrier must initially report the incident to the Over-Dimension Permit Unit at 503-931-1541. The motor carrier will be contacted and provided with a form to report the incident and within 72 hours of the contact must return the completed form by fax to (503) 378-2873 or delivery to the Over-Dimension Permit Unit at 455 Airport Road SE, Building A, Salem OR 97301.

Or. Admin. R. 734-082-0070

HWY 1-1990(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 1-5-90; HWY 17-1990, f. & cert. ef. 12-28-90; HWY 2-1991(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 8-23-91; HWY 2-1992, f. & cert. ef. 2-18-92; HWY 11-1992, f. & cert. ef. 9-16-92; HWY 5-1997, f. & cert. ef. 5-9-97; TO 7-1998, f. & cert. ef. 8-20-98; TO 3-2000, f. & cert. ef. 2-11-00; HWD 5-2011, f. & cert. ef. 5-27-11; HWD 7-2015, f. & cert. ef. 12/17/2015; HWD 5-2023, minor correction filed 09/19/2023, effective 9/19/2023

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 184.619 & 810.060

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 818.200 & 818.220