Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 731-040-0064 - Civil Penalties for Failure to Pay a Toll(1) In addition to any other penalty or sanction provided by law, a person who is required to pay a toll as described in ORS 383.035 and fails to pay a toll established pursuant to ORS 383.004, shall pay to the department, for each unpaid toll: (a) The amount of the toll;(b) For the first unpaid toll, a civil penalty of $15; and,(c) For each subsequent unpaid toll: The limit provided in ORS 383.035;(2) Each time a bill is sent to a person for an unpaid toll, an administrative fee of $2 shall be assessed as reimbursement for labor, materials, printing and postage expenses.(3) An unpaid toll will be considered a subsequent unpaid toll if the person was assessed a civil penalty for an unpaid toll within three years of the unpaid toll under consideration.(4) Civil penalties and administrative fees assessed under this rule shall be collected as provided in ORS 183.745 and according to the procedures in OAR 137-003-0501 to 137-003-0700.(5) The department shall refuse to renew the motor vehicle registration of the motor vehicle owned by a person who at the time of application for registration has unpaid tolls, civil penalties or any administrative fees charged under this section.Or. Admin. Code § 731-040-0064
DOT 5-2012, f. & cert. ef. 7-19-12Stat. Auth.: ORS 184.616, 184.619, 802.010, 383.035 & 383.055
Stats. Implemented: ORS 383.035 & 383.055