Before a Claimant could lawfully use Measure 37 Claim Property for a use under a Measure 37 Waiver, the Claimant must have obtained a DLCD Measure 37 Waiver for that use of the Measure 37 Claim Property in all cases where that use was restricted by a DLCD Regulation or by a city, county or Metro Land Use Regulation that implements a DLCD Regulation. These cases include, but are not limited to, all cases where the use is a use of land, and the Measure 37 Claim Property includes:
Or. Admin. Code § 660-041-0040
Stat. Auth.: ORS 197.040, 197.065 & Ch. 424, OL 2007
Stats. Implemented: ORS 195.300 - 195.336, 197.015, 197.040, 197.065, 197.353 & Ch. 424, OL 2007