Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 629-032-0005 - Definitions(1) "Contract" means a contract for the sale of timber made under the provisions of ORS 530.050 and 530.059 or under agreement with the State Land Board.(2) "Default" means the purchaser's failure to correct a violation as directed by the forester within a specified period of time; purchaser's failure to complete contract requirements by any interim completion dates or the contract expiration date, whichever is earliest, or the purchaser's injury to or severance of timber not included in the sale.(3) "Forester" means the State Forester or designee.(4) "Purchaser" means individual or organization purchasing timber from Board of Forestry lands or lands managed under agreement with the State Land Board.(5) "Violation" means any failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the contract.Or. Admin. Code § 629-032-0005
FB 4-1987, f. & ef. 9-8-87; FB 3-1990, f. 6-26-90, cert. ef. 6-19-90; DOF 1-1998, f. & cert. ef. 1-14-98Stat. Auth.: ORS 526 & ORS 530
Stats. Implemented: ORS 526.041, ORS 530.050 & ORS 530.059