Or. Admin. Code § 603-077-0110
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 603-077-0110 - General Requirements(1) No person shall cause or allow open field burning or propane flaming on any acreage unless said acreage has first been registered and mapped pursuant to OAR 603-077-0112(1), the registration fee has been paid, and the registration (permit application) has been approved by the Department.(2) No person shall cause or allow open field burning, propane flaming, or stack burning without first obtaining and being able to readily demonstrate a valid burning permit and fire permit from the appropriate permit issuing agent pursuant to OAR 603-077-0112(2). On the specific day of and prior to open field burning, propane flaming, or stack burning of any grass seed or cereal grain crop or associated residue the grower registrant shall obtain, in person or by telephone, a valid burning permit and fire permit from the appropriate permit issuing agent pursuant to OAR 603-077-0112.(3) The Department may prohibit any person from registering acreage for open field burning, stack burning, or propane flaming and may deny burn permits for open field burning, propane flaming, and stack burning until all delinquent registration fees, late fees, burn permit fees, and adjudicated penalties from previous seasons are paid. The Department may also institute appropriate legal action to collect the delinquent fees.(4) No person shall open field burn cereal grain acreage unless that person first issues to the Department a signed statement, and then acts to ensure, that said acreage will be planted in the following growing season to a small-seeded seed crop requiring flame sanitation for proper cultivation, as defined in OAR 603-077-0105(2).(5) No person shall cause or allow open field burning, propane flaming, or stack burning which is contrary to the Department's announced burning schedule specifying the times, locations and amounts of burning permitted, or to any other provision announced or set forth by the Department or this Division.(6) Each responsible person open field burning or propane flaming shall have an operating radio receiver, or other monitoring device approved by the Department, and shall directly monitor the Department's burn schedule announcements at all times while open field burning or propane flaming.(7) Each responsible person open field burning or propane flaming shall actively extinguish all flames and major smoke sources when prohibition conditions are imposed by the Department or when instructed to do so by an agent or employee of the Department.(8) Each responsible person open field burning shall make every reasonable effort to expedite and promote efficient burning and prevent excessive emissions of smoke by:(a) Meeting all of the State Fire Marshal requirements specified in OAR 837-110-0040 through 837-110-0080;(b) Ensuring field residues are evenly distributed, dry, and in good burning condition;(c) Employing rapid ignition techniques on all acreage where there are no imminent fire hazards or public safety concerns.(9) In the event of a "wildfire" and a grower is unable to comply with all of the requirements of this Division, the grower shall: (a) Immediately take action to stop, contain, and correct the problem.(b) As soon as practicable notify the designated permit agent. If the permit agent is unavailable, the grower must contact the Department. (A) Notification must be by phone, fax, email, in person, or other method as technology allows, and as approved by the Department.(B) If a grower is unable to contact his/her designated permit agent or the Department, then a detailed message must be left with the Department and the permit agent explaining the problem, the solution, the field information, and grower information.(10) Open field burning, propane flaming, or stack burning in compliance with this Division does not exempt any person from any civil or criminal liability for consequences or damages resulting from such burning, nor does it exempt any person from complying with any other applicable law, ordinance, regulation, rule, permit, order or decree of the Department, Commission or any other government entity having jurisdiction.(11) Open field burning shall be regulated in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Oregon Visibility Protection Plan for Class I Areas (Section 5.2 of the State of Oregon Clean Air Act Implementation Plan adopted under OAR 340-200-0040).Or. Admin. Code § 603-077-0110
DOA 2-1998, f. & cert. ef. 3-3-98; DOA 18-2003, f. & cert. ef. 5-15-03; DOA 22-2004, f. & cert. ef. 8-10-04; DOA 10-2009(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 7-15-09 thru 12-1-09; Administrative correction 12-23-09; DOA 12-2010, f. & cert. ef. 7-12-10; DOA 22-2012, f. & cert. ef. 8-1-12Stat. Auth.: ORS 561.190
Stats. Implemented: ORS 468A.585