Or. Admin. Code § 603-073-0070

Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 603-073-0070 - State List of Endangered and Threatened Species

The state list of endangered and threatened species is as follows:

(1) Plant Species Listed as Endangered:
(a) Abronia umbellata Lam. var. breviflora (Standl.) L.A. Galloway - Pink sand-verbena;
(b) Arabis mcdonaldiana Eastw. - McDonald's rockcress;
(c) Artemisia campestris L. var. wormskioldii (Besser ex Hook) Cronquist - Northern wormwood;
(d) Astragalus applegatei Peck - Applegate's milk-vetch;
(e) Astragalus mulfordiae M.E. Jones - Mulford's milk-vetch;
(f) Calochortus coxii Godfrey & Callahan - Crinite mariposa-lily;
(g) Calochortus indecorus Ownbey & Peck - Sexton Mountain mariposa-lily;
(h) Calochortus umpquaensis Fredricks - Umpqua mariposa-lily;
(i) Castilleja levisecta Greenm. - Golden paintbrush;
(j) Castilleja mendocinensis (Eastw.) Pennell - Mendocino coast paintbrush;
(k) Collomia renacta E. Joyal - Barren valley collomia;
(l) Chloropyron maritimum ssp. palustre (Behr) Tank & J.M. Egger - Point Reyes bird's-beak;
(m) Delphinium leucophaeum Greene - White rock larkspur;
(n) Delphinium pavonaceum Ewan - Peacock larkspur;
(o) Erigeron decumbens Nutt. - Willamette daisy;
(p) Erigeron stanselliae K.L. Chambers - Stansell's daisy;
(q) Fritillaria gentneri Gilkey - Gentner's fritillary;
(r) Gilia millefoliata Fisch. & C.A. Mey. - Seaside gilia;
(s) Ivesia rhypara Ertter & Reveal var. rhypara - Grimy ivesia;
(t) Lasthenia ornduffii R. Chan - Large-flowered goldfields;
(u) Lathyrus holochlorus (Piper) C.L. Hitchc. - Thin-leaved pea;
(v) Lilium occidentale Purdy - Western lily;
(w) Limnanthes pumila subsp. grandiflora (Arroyo) S.C. Meyers & K.L. Chambers - Big-flowered wooly meadowfoam;
(x) Lomatium bentonitum K. Carlson & Mansfield - bentonite biscuitroot;
(y) Lomatium bradshawii (Rose) Math. & Const. - Bradshaw's desert parsley;
(z) Lomatium cookii Kagan - Cook's desert parsley;
(aa) Lomatium erythrocarpum Meinke & Const. - Red-fruited lomatium;
(bb) Lomatium ochocense Helliwell & Constance ex Helliwell - Ochoco lomatium;
(cc) Lupinus lepidus Douglas ex Lindl. var. cusickii (S. Watson) C.L. Hitchc. - Cusick's lupine;
(dd) Mentzelia mollis Peck - Smooth mentzelia;
(ee) Mirabilis macfarlanei Const. & Roll. - MacFarlane's four-o'clock;
(ff) Navarretia willamettensis S.C. Spencer - Willamette navarretia;
(gg) Penstemon hesperius M. Peck - Tall western penstemon;
(hh) Plagiobothrys hirtus (Greene) Johnst. - Rough popcornflower;
(ii) Plagiobothrys lamprocarpus (Piper) Johnst. - Shiny-fruited allocarya;
(jj) Pyrrocoma radiata Nutt. - Snake River goldenweed;
(kk) Pyrrocoma scaberula Greene - Rough goldenweed;
(ll) Rorippa columbiae (B. L. Rob.) Howell - Columbia yellowcress;
(mm) Silene spaldingii Wats. - Spalding's campion;
(nn) Sisyrinchium hitchcockii D. Henderson - Hitchcock's blue-eyed grass;
(oo) Stephanomeria malheurensis Gottl. - Malheur wire-lettuce;
(pp) Thelypodium howellii Wats. subsp. spectabilis (Peck) Al-Shehbaz - Howell's spectacular thelypody;
(qq) Trifolium owyheense Gilkey - Owyhee clover.
(2) Plant Species Listed as Threatened:
(a) Amsinckia carinata Nels. & Macbr. - Malheur Valley fiddleneck;
(b) Astragalus collinus Dougl. ex Hook. var. laurentii (Rydb.) Barn. - Lawrence's milk-vetch;
(c) Astragalus cusickii A. Gray var. sterilis (Barneby) Barneby - Barren milk-vetch;
(d) Astragalus diaphanus Dougl. var. diurnus (Wats.) Barn. - South Fork John Day milk-vetch;
(e) Astragalus lemmonii A. Gray - Lemmon's milkvetch;
(f) Astragalus peckii Piper - Peck's milk-vetch;
(g) Astragalus tyghensis Peck - Tygh Valley milk-vetch;
(h) Botrychium pumicola Cov. in Underw. - Pumice grape-fern;
(i) Calochortus howellii Wats. - Howell's mariposa-lily;
(j) Eriogonum chrysops Rydb. - Golden buckwheat;
(k) Eriogonum crosbyae var. crosbyae Reveal - Crosby's buckwheat;
(l) Erythronium elegans Hammond & Chamb. - Coast Range fawn lily;
(m) Eucephalus vialis Bradshaw - Wayside aster;
(n) Gratiola heterosepala Mason & Bacig. - Boggs Lake hedge-hyssop;
(o) Hackelia cronquistii J.L. Gentry - Cronquist's stickseed;
(p) Hastingsia bracteosa Watson var. bracteosa - Large-flowered rush lily;
(q) Howellia aquatilis A. Gray - Water howellia;
(r) Lepidium davisii Roll. - Davis' peppergrass;
(s) Limnanthes pumila Howell subsp. pumila - Dwarf meadowfoam;
(t) Lomatium greenmanii Mathias - Greenman's desert parsley;
(u) Lupinus oreganus A. Heller - Kincaid's lupine;
(v) Meconella oregana Nutt. - White fairy poppy;
(w) Mentzelia packardiae Glad - Packard's mentzelia;
(x) Microseris howellii Gray - Howell's microseris;
(y) Monardella angustifolia Elvin, Ertter & Mansfield - Leslie Gulch monardella;
(z) Oenothera wolfii (Munz) Raven, Dietrich & Stubbe - Wolf's evening-primrose;
(aa) Phacelia argentea Nels. & Macbr. - Silvery phacelia;
(bb) Pinus albicaulis Engelm. - Whitebark pine;
(cc) Pleuropogon oregonus Chase - Oregon semaphore grass;
(dd) Sericocarpus rigidus Lindl. - Rigid white-topped aster;
(ee) Sidalcea nelsoniana Piper - Nelson's checker-mallow;
(ff) Silene douglasii Hook var. oraria (Peck) C.L. Hitchc.& Maguire - Cascade Head catchfly;
(gg) Thelypodium eucosmum Robins. - Arrow-leaf thelypody.

Or. Admin. Code § 603-073-0070

AD 16-1989, f. & cert. ef. 10-27-89; AD 13-1995, f. & cert. ef. 7-12-95; DOA 18-2001, f. & cert. ef. 9-6-01; DOA 19-2003, f. & cert. ef. 6-11-03; DOA 20-2011, f. & cert. ef. 10-13-11; DOA 23-2023, amend filed 06/08/2023, effective 6/8/2023; DOA 8-2024, amend filed 05/02/2024, effective 5/2/2024

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 561.190

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 564.110