Or. Admin. R. 603-051-0823

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 9, September 1, 2024
Section 603-051-0823 - Requirements and Conditions for Certification

Certification by the Department shall not imply or be construed as any warranty of the Department, the school, or its employees as to the condition of strawberry nursery stock. The following requirements and conditions shall be met in order to qualify for consideration of certification of strawberry nursery stock:

(1) The applicant for such certification under these regulations shall be responsible for the selection of the location and the proper maintenance of a planting being grown. The applicant shall also be responsible for maintaining the identity of all of said nursery stock. The Department or school shall be notified by the applicant in advance of the planting, replanting, or removal of strawberry nursery stock in order that necessary inspections may be made or approval granted prior to the performance thereof.
(2) Each planting shall be located in an area in which viruses or other systemic pathogens affecting strawberries are not prevalent and in which there is adequate isolation from planting for strawberry fruit production. Plantings located in the Willamette Valley shall be considered adequately isolated only if such are grown in an insect-proof screenhouse. A planting shall not be located on land where the strawberry red stele disease has occurred. Each of said planting areas shall be inspected and approved by the Department prior to planting.
(3) Registered stock fields shall be separated from certified stockfields by not less than 500 feet and by at least one mile from all other commercial uncertified strawberries.
(4) Each planting shall be kept in a thrifty growing condition and pests shall be kept under intensive control. Preplant treatment of nematocides may be required; insecticides effective against aphids shall be applied during the growing season.
(5) For purposes of determining eligibility of strawberry nursery stock for certification in accordance with OAR 603-051-0819 of these regulations, the following shall apply:
(a) To be acceptable in a planting in a foundation block a plant shall be:
(A) Nuclear stock; or
(B) Foundation stock which is a progeny of a plant from a foundation block that was tested by indexing the previous season; or
(C) Such other plants as are determined to have an equivalent known history.
(b) To be acceptable for planting in an increase block, a plant shall be first-year propagation from foundation stock produced in a foundation block;
(c) To be acceptable for planting in a certified block, a plant shall be first-year propagation from registered stock produced in an increase block or first-year propagation from foundation stock produced in a foundation block, or propagation from a first-year certified field.

Or. Admin. R. 603-051-0823

AD 965(3-72), f. 2-24-72, ef. 3-25-72; Renumbered from 603-051-0829.03

Stat. Auth.: ORS 561.190 & ORS 633.620 - ORS 633.660

Stats. Implemented: ORS 633.620 - ORS 633.660