Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 574-040-0020 - Location and Custody of Student Records(1) The Registrar's Office is the location of so-called "official records" of the student: admissions information, transcripts, grade information, degrees conferred, etc.(2) The Vice President for Student Affairs' Office is responsible for the custodianship of "personal records" and confidential information resulting from normal contacts of those offices.(3) The Student Health and Counseling Center is responsible for the records of students in this area and is concerned primarily with information resulting from student contacts with this service.(4) The Academic Departments maintain instructional records which pertain primarily to the records maintained by the instructional staff: grades, references.(5) Career Services files consist of an accumulation of transcripts, references, etc., for the individual student using this service for the purpose of making contracts with prospective employers.Or. Admin. Code § 574-040-0020
OCE 3, f. & ef. 8-9-77; WOSC 5-1991, f. & cert. ef. 5-22-91; WOU 3-2003, f. & cert. ef. 10-28-03Stat. Auth.: ORS 351.070 & ORS 351.072
Stats. Implemented: ORS 351.070 & ORS 351.072