Or. Admin. Code § 543-060-0030
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 543-060-0030 - Statewide Database Licensing Program(1) Eligibility: Any public, school, academic, tribal library or resource sharing system as defined above is eligible to participate in the program if the following criteria are met: (a) The library or resource sharing system provides interlibrary loans without charge to requesting in-state public, academic, school, and tribal libraries and resource sharing systems.(b) The public, academic library or resource sharing system is a signatory to and abides by the "Interlibrary Loan Code for Oregon Libraries."(c) The library or resource sharing system certifies the above criteria are met and agrees to participate in the Statewide Database Licensing Program and the Statewide Cooperative Reference Service Program.(2) The Statewide Database Licensing Advisory Committee shall be appointed by the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Advisory Council. (a) Role: The Statewide Database Licensing Advisory Committee shall advise the LSTA Advisory Council and the Oregon State Library staff in request for proposal development and database product evaluation, and provide ongoing database product assessment and customer feedback. The Statewide Database Licensing Advisory Committee shall also advise the LSTA Advisory Council on the appropriate percentage allocation of electronic database costs to public, academic and school libraries.(b) Membership of the Statewide Database Licensing Advisory Committee: One representative from the LSTA Advisory Council; three public library representatives, one each from libraries serving populations over 100,000, between 25,000-100,000, and 25,000 or less; three academic library representatives, one each from a community college, public academic institution and private academic institution; one representative from a resource sharing system; one tribal library representative, and, two school library representatives. Orbis Cascade Alliance and the Organization for Educational Technology and Curriculum (OETC) will each have one representative serving in a non-voting, ex officio capacity. In making appointments the LSTA Advisory Council will seek representatives with experience in database licensing and the use of databases.(c) Terms of appointment: Terms shall be for three years, except initial terms shall be staggered. The LSTA Advisory Council representative shall serve a two year term.(d) Meetings: The Statewide Database Licensing Advisory Committee shall meet at least twice each calendar year, and may meet more often as needed.(3) Request for proposal process: The Oregon State Library shall be the fiscal agent for the program and shall use Federal funds under the Library Services and Technology Act to subsidize the program. Oregon State Library shall work with the Department of Administrative Services to procure electronic databases.(4) Formula for electronic database costs to school libraries: The annual database contract costs to school libraries will be supported with LSTA funds as determined by the State Library Board, with a recommendation from the LSTA Advisory Council.(5) Formula for electronic database costs to tribal libraries: The annual database contract costs to tribal libraries will be supported with LSTA funds as determined by the State Library Board, with a recommendation from the LSTA Advisory Council.(6) Statewide database expenditure plan: An annual budget for the Statewide Database Licensing Program shall be recommended by the Library Services and Technology Act Advisory Council to the State Library Board and shall be adopted by the State Library Board.Or. Admin. Code § 543-060-0030
OSL 1-2003(Temp), f. 8-22-03, cert. ef. 9-1-03 thru 1-30-04; OSL 2-2003, f. 12-15-03 cert. ef. 1-1-04; OSL 1-2004, f. 8-17-04 cert. ef. 9-1-04; OSL 3-2006, f. & cert. ef. 2-14-06; OSL 1-2009, f. 2-25-09, cert. ef. 3-2-09; OSL 1-2010, f. 10-19-10, cert. ef. 10-25-10; OSL 1-2016(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 1-11-16 thru 7-6-16; OSL 3-2016, f. & cert. ef. 6/13/2016Stat. Auth.: ORS 357.209
Stats. Implemented: ORS 357.206