Browse as ListSearch Within- Section 471-070-0001 - Purpose
- Section 471-070-0010 - Definitions
- Section 471-070-0400 - Wages: Definitions
- Section 471-070-0415 - Wages: Incidental Expenses
- Section 471-070-0420 - Wages: Pensions
- Section 471-070-0425 - Wages: Jury Pay
- Section 471-070-0430 - Wages: Bonuses, Fees, and Prizes
- Section 471-070-0435 - Wages: Disability Payments and Accident Compensation
- Section 471-070-0440 - Wages: Gifts
- Section 471-070-0445 - Wages: Remuneration Types
- Section 471-070-0450 - Wages: Remuneration Other than Cash
- Section 471-070-0455 - Wages: Cafeteria Plans
- Section 471-070-0465 - Wages: Corporate Officer and Shareholder Dividends
- Section 471-070-0470 - Wages: Paid Leave Oregon Benefits
- Section 471-070-0550 - Continuous Jurisdiction
- Section 471-070-0800 - Outreach Plan
- Section 471-070-0850 - Electronic Filing
- Section 471-070-0900 - Confidentiality: Definitions
- Section 471-070-0910 - Confidentiality: Information Collection
- Section 471-070-0920 - Confidentiality: Responsibility of Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance Staff
- Section 471-070-0930 - Confidentiality: Permissible Disclosures
- Section 471-070-1000 - Benefits: Definitions
- Section 471-070-1010 - Benefits: Eligibility and Qualification for Benefits
- Section 471-070-1015 - Benefits: Leave from Work
- Section 471-070-1020 - Benefits: Assignment of Wages and Income
- Section 471-070-1030 - Benefits: Maximum Amount of Benefits in a Benefit Year
- Section 471-070-1040 - Benefits: Calculation of Days and Weeks Worked
- Section 471-070-1100 - Benefits: Application for Benefits
- Section 471-070-1110 - Benefits: Verification of Family Leave to Care for and Bond with a Child
- Section 471-070-1115 - Benefits: Verification of Pre-placement Leave
- Section 471-070-1120 - Benefits: Verification of a Serious Health Condition
- Section 471-070-1130 - Benefits: Verification of Safe Leave
- Section 471-070-1200 - Benefits: Claim Processing; Additional Information
- Section 471-070-1205 - Benefits: Weekly Claims
- Section 471-070-1210 - Benefits: Updates to a Claim for Leave
- Section 471-070-1220 - Benefits: Cancellation of a Claim
- Section 471-070-1230 - Benefits: Administrative Decisions
- Section 471-070-1250 - Benefits: Claimant Designated Representative and Representation of Incapacitated Claimants
- Section 471-070-1300 - Benefits: Written Notice Poster to Employees of Rights and Duties
- Section 471-070-1310 - Benefits: Employee Notice to Employers Prior to Commencing Leave
- Section 471-070-1320 - Benefits: Communication to Employers and Employee Application for Benefits
- Section 471-070-1330 - Benefits: Job Protection
- Section 471-070-1410 - Benefits: Initial and Amended Monetary Determinations
- Section 471-070-1420 - Benefits: Leave Periods and Increments
- Section 471-070-1430 - Benefits: Simultaneous Qualifying Purposes
- Section 471-070-1440 - Benefits: Weekly Benefit Proration
- Section 471-070-1445 - Benefits: Self-Employed Benefit Calculation
- Section 471-070-1450 - Benefits: Benefit Payment Methods
- Section 471-070-1460 - Benefits: Lost, Stolen, Destroyed, or Forged Benefit Checks
- Section 471-070-1465 - Benefits: Payment Due to a Deceased Individual and Abandoned Payment
- Section 471-070-1470 - Benefits: Benefit Payment Offsets, Withholdings and Reductions
- Section 471-070-1480 - Benefits: Federal and State Voluntary Tax Withholding
- Section 471-070-1500 - Benefits: Review of Overpaid Benefits
- Section 471-070-1510 - Benefits: Repayment of Overpaid Benefits; Interest
- Section 471-070-1520 - Benefits: Waiver Recovery of Overpayments
- Section 471-070-1550 - Benefits: Penalties for Employer Misrepresentation
- Section 471-070-1560 - Benefits: Disqualification and Penalties for Claimant Misrepresentation
- Section 471-070-2000 - Self-employed: Definition
- Section 471-070-2005 - Self-Employed: Eligibility
- Section 471-070-2010 - Self-employed: Election Requirements and Effective Date
- Section 471-070-2030 - Self-employed: Income, Contribution Payments, and Reporting Requirements
- Section 471-070-2100 - Tribal Government: Election Requirements and Effective Date
- Section 471-070-2170 - Self-employed: Termination
- Section 471-070-2180 - Tribal Government: Termination of Elective Coverage
- Section 471-070-2200 - Equivalent Plans: Definitions
- Section 471-070-2205 - Equivalent Plans: Declaration of Intent to Obtain Approval of Equivalent Plan
- Section 471-070-2210 - Equivalent Plans: Application Requirements and Effective Date
- Section 471-070-2220 - Equivalent Plans: Plan Requirements
- Section 471-070-2230 - Equivalent Plans: Reporting Requirements
- Section 471-070-2240 - Equivalent Plans: Recordkeeping and Department Review
- Section 471-070-2250 - Equivalent Plans: Employee Coverage Requirements
- Section 471-070-2260 - Equivalent Plans: Benefit Amounts and Claims
- Section 471-070-2270 - Equivalent Plans: Proration of Benefit Amounts for Simultaneous Coverage
- Section 471-070-2280 - Equivalent Plans: Solvency Documentation
- Section 471-070-2330 - Equivalent Plans: Written Notice Poster to Employees of Rights and Duties
- Section 471-070-2400 - Equivalent Plans: Disputes between an Equivalent Plan Employer and Employee, Request for Hearing
- Section 471-070-2450 - Equivalent Plans: Termination by the Department
- Section 471-070-2455 - Equivalent Plans: Termination and Withdrawal by Successor in Interest
- Section 471-070-2460 - Equivalent Plans: Employer Withdrawal
- Section 471-070-3000 - Contributions: Definitions
- Section 471-070-3010 - Contributions: Method for Determining Contribution Rate and Maximum Wage Amount
- Section 471-070-3020 - Contributions: Maximum Wage Amount
- Section 471-070-3030 - Contributions: Wage Reporting and Contribution Payments
- Section 471-070-3040 - Contributions: Withholding of Employee Contributions
- Section 471-070-3100 - Contributions: Place of Performance
- Section 471-070-3130 - Contributions: Successor in Interest Unpaid Contribution Liability
- Section 471-070-3150 - Employer Size: Definitions
- Section 471-070-3160 - Employer Size: Method to Determine Number of Employees Employed by an Employer
- Section 471-070-3310 - [Repealed]
- Section 471-070-3320 - Contributions: Deposit, Bond, or Letter of Credit
- Section 471-070-3340 - Contributions: Overpayment Refunds
- Section 471-070-3700 - Assistance Grants: Definitions
- Section 471-070-3705 - Assistance Grant: Eligibility
- Section 471-070-3710 - Assistance Grants: Application Requirements
- Section 471-070-3730 - Assistance Grants: Grant Amounts
- Section 471-070-3750 - Assistance Grants: Employer Contributions
- Section 471-070-3790 - Assistance Grants: Successor in Interest Rights and Responsibilities
- Section 471-070-3850 - Assistance Grants: Repayment of Grants
- Section 471-070-5200 - Due Dates for Balances Owed to the Department
- Section 471-070-5210 - Application of Payments
- Section 471-070-5240 - Compromise of Amount Due
- Section 471-070-8000 - Appeals: Department Representation in Hearing
- Section 471-070-8005 - Appeals: Request for Hearing
- Section 471-070-8010 - Appeals: Assignment to Office of Administrative Hearings
- Section 471-070-8015 - Appeals: Contested Case Proceedings Interpretation for Non-English-speaking Persons
- Section 471-070-8020 - Appeals: Contested Case Proceedings Interpretation for Individuals with a Disability
- Section 471-070-8025 - Appeals: Late Request for Hearing
- Section 471-070-8030 - Appeals: Notice of Hearing
- Section 471-070-8035 - Appeals: Subpoenas
- Section 471-070-8037 - Appeals: Individually Identifiable Health Information
- Section 471-070-8040 - Appeals: Postponement of Hearing
- Section 471-070-8045 - Appeals: Telephone and Video Conference Hearings
- Section 471-070-8050 - Appeals: The Hearing
- Section 471-070-8055 - Appeals: Continuance of Hearing
- Section 471-070-8060 - Appeals: Office of Administrative Hearings Transmittal of Questions
- Section 471-070-8065 - Appeals: Administrative Law Judge's Decision
- Section 471-070-8070 - Appeals: Dismissal of Requests for Hearing
- Section 471-070-8075 - Appeals: Reopening of a Hearing
- Section 471-070-8080 - Appeals: Late Request to Reopen Hearing
- Section 471-070-8520 - One-Percent Penalty
- Section 471-070-8530 - Good Cause for Failure to File Reports or Pay Contributions
- Section 471-070-8540 - Penalty Amount When Employer Fails to File Report