Or. Admin. R. 462-160-0110

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 8, August 1, 2024
Section 462-160-0110 - Veterinary Practices
(1) Veterinarians under Authority of Commission Veterinarians:
(a) Veterinarians licensed by the commission and practicing at any location under the jurisdiction of the commission are under the authority of commission veterinarians and the stewards:
(b) The commission veterinarian(s) shall recommend to the stewards or the commission the discipline that may be imposed upon a veterinarian who violates the rules.
(2) Treatment Restrictions:
(a) Except as otherwise provided by this subsection, no person other than a veterinarian licensed to practice veterinary medicine in this jurisdiction and licensed by the commission may administer, via injection, topical application, inhalant, per os or per rectum, a prescription or controlled medication, drug, chemical or other substance (including any medication, drug, chemical or other substance by injection) to a horse at any location under the jurisdiction of the commission;
(b) This subsection does not apply to the administration of the following substances except in approved quantitative levels, if any, present in race day samples or as they may interfere with race day testing:
(A) A recognized non-injectable nutritional supplement or other substance approved by a commission veterinarian;
(B) A non-injectable substance on the direction or by prescription of a licensed veterinarian; or
(C) A non-injectable non-prescription medication or substance.
(c) No person shall possess a hypodermic needle, syringe or injectable of any kind on association grounds, unless otherwise approved by the commission. At any location under the jurisdiction of the commission, veterinarians may use only one-time disposable needles, and shall dispose of them in a manner approved by the commission. If a person has a medical condition which makes it necessary to have a syringe at any location under the jurisdiction of the commission, that person may request permission of the stewards and/or the commission in writing, furnish a letter from a licensed physician explaining why it is necessary for the person to possess a syringe, and must comply with any conditions and restrictions set by the stewards and/or the commission;
(d) Veterinarians shall not treat an entered horse within the 24 hours prior to the original post time in which the horse is entered except for the administration of furosemide under the guidelines set forth in OAR 462-160-0130(5) unless approved by a commission veterinarian and if so treated, that horse shall be scratched from racing on that day.
(e) Any horse entered for racing must be present on the grounds 5-hours prior to the post time of the race they are entered in unless that horse is not entered to race with furosemide in which case that horse must be on the grounds no later than one hour prior to the post time of the race for which the horse is entered.
(3) Veterinarians' Reports:
(a) Every veterinarian who treats a racehorse at any location under the jurisdiction of the commission shall, in writing on the Medication Report Form prescribed by the commission, report to a commission veterinarian or other commission designee at the racetrack where the horse is entered to run or as otherwise specified by the commission, the name of the horse treated, any medication, drug, substance, or procedure administered or prescribed, the name of the trainer of the horse, the date and time of treatment and any other information requested by a commission veterinarian;
(b) The Medication Report Form shall be signed by the practicing veterinarian;
(c) The Medication Report Form must be filed by the treating veterinarian within 48-hours of any treatments in section (a) and not later than post time of the race for which the horse is entered. Any such report is confidential and its content shall not be disclosed except in the course of an investigation of a possible violation of these rules or in a proceeding before the stewards or the commission, or to the trainer or owner of record at the time of treatment;
(d) A timely and accurate filing of a Medication Report Form that is consistent with the analytical results of a positive test may be used as a mitigating factor in determining the nature and extent, if any, of a rules violation.
(4) Veterinary Licenses. Any veterinarian licensed by the Oregon Racing Commission to practice veterinary medicine on a racecourse shall be prohibited from concurrently holding any other license at any location under the jurisdiction of the commission unless otherwise approved by the board of stewards.
(5) The stewards in consultation with a commission veterinarian may adjust the medication administration time to accommodate a significantly delayed post time.
(6) Intra-articular injections are prohibited on race day, within 14 days prior to post time, and within 7 days prior to any timed and reported workout.

Or. Admin. R. 462-160-0110

RC 2-2006(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 10-2-06 thru 3-21-07; RC 1-2007, f. 2-28-07, cert. ef. 3-7-07; RC 6-2007(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 11-28-07 thru 5-23-08; RC 1-2008, f. & cert. ef. 4-7-08; RC 2-2008, f. & cert. ef. 9-30-08; RC 2-2009, f. 8-24-09, cert. ef. 10-1-09; RC 1-2010, f. 9-23-10, cert. ef. 10-1-10; RC 11-2024, amend filed 04/09/2024, effective 4/9/2024; RC 13-2024, amend filed 04/16/2024, effective 4/16/2024

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 462.270(3)

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 462.270 & 462.415