Or. Admin. R. 459-007-0240

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 8, August 1, 2024
Section 459-007-0240 - Crediting Earnings to the Tier Two Employer Death Benefit
(1) Upon the death of a Tier Two member who is entitled to an employer death benefit under ORS 238.395, the amount of the employer benefit shall be added to the death benefit amount, as defined in OAR 459-007-0230(1), as of the first of the month of the member's death.
(2) Earnings shall thereafter be credited to the employer death benefit amount in accordance with OAR 459-007-0230(5) to (8).
(3) If a beneficiary elects to receive a monthly benefit, earnings are credited in accordance with OAR 459-007-0230(10).

Or. Admin. R. 459-007-0240

PERS 7-1998, f. & cert. ef. 5-22-98; PERS 26-2004, f. 11-23-04, cert. ef. 3-15-05; PERS 3-2009, f. & cert. ef. 4-6-09

Stat. Auth.: ORS 238.650

Stats. Implemented: ORS 238.390, 238.395, 238.430 & 238.435