Or. Admin. Code § 437-004-9720
Current through Register Vol. 64, No. 1, January 1, 2025
Section 437-004-9720 - Thiram(1) Scope and application. (a) These rules apply where worker exposure to thiram may occur during manufacture, storage, packaging, tree application, treated seedling handling, or use of thiram or thiram treated seedlings.(b) These rules apply to the transportation of thiram or thiram treated trees except to the extent that the U. S. Department of Transportation may regulate the hazards covered by these rules.(2) Definitions. (a) Clean - The absence of dirt or materials that may be harmful to a worker's health.(b) Large seedlings - Seedlings long enough or wide enough that during normal planting avoiding mouth of face contact with the thiram treated plant is difficult.(3) General requirements. (a) Permissible exposure limits. (A) Do not expose workers to thiram at atmospheric concentrations more than 0.15 mg/m3 over any 8-hour period; and(B) Do not expose workers to thiram at atmospheric concentrations more than 0.30 mg/m3 averaged over any period not longer than 15 minutes.(C) Workers must not work more than 5 days in any 7-day period with or around thiram or thiram treated seedlings.(D) Paragraph (3)(a)(C) above is not applicable if there is a specific thiram control program, beyond these rules and approved by the Administrator.(b) Washing and worker hygiene. (A) Workers must wash their hands before eating or smoking and when done working.(B) At fixed work sites or planting units, provide warm (at least 85 degrees F, 29.4 degrees C) wash water and single use hand wiping materials for washing.(C) Where warm water is not available within, or the means to access within, a 15 minutes travel time, provide clean water, soap and single-use towels.(D) Advise every planter or nursery worker to bathe or shower daily.(E) Wash or vacuum and wipe down the inside of crummies or other worker carrying vehicles at least weekly during thiram use.(c) Personal protective measures.(A) Workers must wear clothing that reduces skin contact with thiram on the legs, arms and torso.(B) For those workers with thiram skin irritations, protect exposed areas with a suitable barrier cream.(C) Workers may wear only impervious gloves.(D) Workers' hands must be clean of thiram before placing them into gloves.(E) Provide nursery applicators with approved respirators, disposable coveralls or rubber slickers or other impervious clothing, rubberized boots, head covers and rubberized gloves. They must use the respirators according to 4/I, OAR 437-004-1041, Respiratory Protection.(F) Other than applicators, nursery workers who may suffer thiram exposure must have and use disposable coveralls or rubber slickers or other impervious clothing, impervious footwear and gloves, and head covers unless they use showers that comply with 4/J, OAR 437-004-1105, Sanitation.(G) Provide eye protection that complies with 4/I, OAR 437-004-1035. Workers exposed to thiram such as during spraying, plug bundling, belt line grading and plugging or other operations must wear this eye protection.(d) Respiratory protection. (A) When worker exposure is more than the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL), provide them with applicable, certified respiratory protection approved by NIOSH.(B) Use and maintain respirators according to 4/I, OAR 437-004-1041, Respiratory Protection.(C) Workers must wear respirators when planting large seedlings to avoid mouth and face contact with the thiram treated plant unless they use equally effective measures or planting practices.(e) Food handling. (A) Do not store or consume food, snacks, beverages, smoking materials, or any similar items in the packing area of the nursery.(B) Crummies or other worker carrying vehicles must have a clean area for carrying lunches.(C) The clean area of the vehicle must be above from the floor and not used to carry other than food or other consumable items.(D) Do not carry lunches, food or other consumable items in tree planting bags.(E) Minimize or eliminate worker exposure to thiram spray, including downwind driftings.(F) Workers must stand upwind when burning bags that contained thiram or thiram treated seedlings.(f) Thiram use and handling. (A) Nurseries must develop a quality control program approved by the Administrator to ensure that they apply only the minimum amount of thiram necessary to achieve the desired anti-browsing results to the tree seedlings.(B) Thiram treated seedlings must set between the time of spraying and packing.(C) Keep seedlings moist during packing and when possible during planting.(D) Vacuum or wash floors daily where thiram is used, do not sweep them.(E) Remove silica chips covering seedling plugs at the nursery.(g) Labeling. (A) Rules enforced by the Oregon Department of Agriculture, or the U.S. Environ- mental Protection Agency (EPA), about the labeling of thiram treated seedlings, apply.(B) If the Oregon Department of Agriculture, or EPA, has no thiram labeling rules, each container, bundle or wrapping of thiram treated seedlings must have a clearly legible and visible tag or label, of waterproof material and printing, on which is the following in English and Spanish: CAUTION
These seedlings are treated with an animal repellent containing Thiram (tetra- methyl thiuram disulfide) that may flake off during handling. Consumption of alcoholic beverages or use of alcohol-base creams or lotions during a time span from 12 hours before to 7 days after exposure to Thiram may result in nausea, headache, vomiting, fatigue, or flushness. Exposure to Thiram may also cause irritation of the eyes, nose, throat, or skin.
Thiram may interfere with or render ineffective medications taken by epileptics or heart patients with blood-clotting difficulties. Animal studies at very high concentrations (more than 250 mg/kg) suggest that Thiram may cause birth defects.
1. Keep treated seedlings moist.2. Wear clothing to reduce skin contact with Thiram to the legs, arms and torso.3. A fiber or cloth face mask (respirator) may be worn at the planter's discretion, except that when planting large seedlings, you must wear a respirator to avoid mouth and face contact with thiram treated plants, unless you use equally effective measures4. Wash exposed skin areas thoroughly after handling treated seedlings and before smoking, drinking, eating or going to the bathroom.5. If Thiram flakes contact eyes, immediately flush eyes freely with water.6. Bathe daily and change work clothes at least every other day. PRECAUCION
Estas plantas han sido tratadas con un replente contra animales que tiene la substacia Thiram (tetramethyl thiuram disulfide) que puede desaparecer en manoseo. La consuncion de bebidas alcoholicas o el uso de cremas o lociones con base de alcohol dentro de 12 horas antes de ser expuesto o hasta 7 dias despues de ser expuesto a Thiram puede resultar en sintomas de nausea, dolor de cabeza, vomito, faiga o rubor. Contacto con Thiram puede causar irritacion de los ojos, nariz, garganta o piel.
Thiram puede interferir o desvalidar en completa las medicinas de los epilepticos o personas con condiciones de la corazon con dificultades de coagulacion de la sangre. Estudios con animals en concentraciones muy altas (mas que 250 mg/ kg) indican que Thiram puede causar desformaciones fetales. Sin que cuando se sembra plantas de semillas grandes macaras estaran requerido a evitar contacto con la boca y la cara con plantas tratado con Thiram excepto cuando otros metodos igualmente efecaz estarah usados.
1. Guardar mojados las platas siempre.2. El trabajador necesita usar ropa para reducir el contacto de Thiram con las piernas, brazos, y el torso.3. Una mascara de fibre o garra (mascara) se puede usar a la discrecion del plantador.4. Lavese bien los parten expuestos cuando trate los semillos antes de fumar, tomar, comer e ir al bano.5. Se acaso el Thiram cae en sus ojos, imediatamente lavese los ojos libremente con agua.6. Banese todos los dias y cambiese de ropa de trabajo por lo menos cada otro dia.(C) Other containers or thiram handling areas must have signs and labels that comply with 4/J, OAR 437-004-1150 and 1180.(h) Training. (A) Where exposures to thiram may occur, train each worker about the hazards of thiram and precautions for its safe use and handling.(B) The training must be approved by the Administrator.(C) The training must include: (i) The health hazard(s) of chronic exposure to thiram including the potential for birth defects, alcohol intolerance, and drug interaction.(ii) The specific nature of work that could result in exposure to thiram and the necessary protective steps;(iii) The purpose for, proper use, and limitations of protective devices including respirators and clothing;(iv) The acute toxicity and skin irritation effects of thiram, and the necessary protective steps;(v) The need for and requirements of excellent personal hygiene;(vi) A review of the thiram rules at the worker's first training and indoctrination, and annually thereafter.(D) Give each worker a copy of these thiram rules.Or. Admin. Code § 437-004-9720
OSHA 4-1998, f. 8-28-98, cert. ef. 10-1-98; OSHA 9-2006, f. & cert. ef. 9-22-06Stat. Auth.: ORS 654.025(2) & 656.726(4)
Stats. Implemented: ORS 654.001 - 654.295